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  1. S

    Duck with broken leg

    Thanks Pink I will give her some milk and yogurt. I think I still have some broccoli from the garden last year in the freezer. I will look in the store for kale. If she doesnt heal, I dont think that at this point I will be able to eat her though. My husband will butcher and we will have to give...
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    Duck with broken leg

    Well, she went back to the vet last thursday and they x-rayed again and it was still broken, but starting to calcify (sp?) They said to keep her in the carrier for another week and bring her back. I have to say that I kind of like her hangin around. I bring her in the kitchen and talk to her...
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    Duck with broken leg

    Wow! Good to know! Thanks!
  4. S

    outhouse....where to place them

    Does it depend on how high your water table is? Ours is about 50 yards from the house. We are not off grid, but it has been used in emergency situations. It is kind of a far walk. Especially in the dead of winter. My Dad used to have an OLD hunting shack back when I was little. It had an...
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    Duck with broken leg

    Hey Pink Yeah, the vet tech people did splint it and gave us some injections to give her. Although Im not sure what the injections are. Maybe pain killer?
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    Duck with broken leg

    ~gd Ya know, even as a novice flock raiser, I KNEW that didnt sound right. Muskovies like to take a bath everyday, but they dont like to swim around very much. Sling it is then. Hopefully she will make a full recovery. If not, it's duck fajitas!
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    Duck with broken leg

    Im looking for some opinions. We have a duck that somehow broke her leg, right above her "ankle". My husband took her to the university he works for and had the vet tech teacher and students x-ray her. The teacher suggested to float her for a week, or to make a sling for her to lay in that would...
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    Solar Flare to hit on the 8th or 9th

    Yeah, you better hide under that chair Deb!
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    Solar Flare to hit on the 8th or 9th

    I guess it was kind of a big one as far as solar flares go.
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    Solar Flare to hit on the 8th or 9th

    Well, I have read all of my blogs for the day, and I was quite amazed that there is no mention of this. On my way to work, the radio said that there was a large solar flare last night at around 7 or 8 o'clock. It is due to hit (or miss) Earth on Thursday or Friday. Has anyone else heard of...
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    Need your help finding a blog

    I remember reading on a blog about a way to go to the store and buy things for your pantry. It was written something like this " First, go to the canned fruit section and get five cans each of peaches, pears and oranges. Since you are there, pick up a few jars of applesauce. Then go down the...
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    Best foods to stock up on?

    I think that just the fact that you are thinking about stocking up puts you a little ahead of the game. :D
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    Wisconsin Roll Call

    Hey! Im just a bit South of you in Edgar! :D
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    Do you wear long skirts?

    They mostly teased about me "turning Amish". I have to say that when I was wearing skirts, I was very surprised at how warm they really were! Here in Wisconsin it can get pretty darn cold! I guess I am trying to be a more Proverbs 31 wife. IT IS SO HARD though!! Maybe the skirt will help...
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    Do you wear long skirts?

    Yes, horrible manners. It was around the time of Lent so I made up the excuse that I had given up wearing pants for Lent. Even to this day they still bring it up. Me&The Gals "HI" from Central Wisconsin :frow I live here too!
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    Do you wear long skirts?

    I have had the feeling for a few years now that I need to wear long skirts. I tried a couple years ago, but got teased from the people at work. Did any of you choose to wear a skirt or dress? How did the people around you react? What advise would you give someone who wants to make the switch?
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    SIMPLE White Sandwich Bread

    Barred - the duck egg is what made it rise so nicely! French pastry chefs use duck eggs for this reason. ;)
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    I can't get peanut butter

    Well, Amazon says a two pack of 64 oz Jif is $17.87. Sheesh!
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    I can't get peanut butter

    Im going to go to the local Fleet Farm store today to see how much it is. What would be a fair price to pay per pound?