Well I was able to post enough to allow me to post some pics so figured I would do that. I have a single picture of a next box I made out of pallet slats. It went together pretty easily and has worked out wonderfully for the Doe that had kits recently. Greatest thing was it cost me nada. I...
I will post some of the projects. So far nothing too spectacular just made some sawhorses. I had the braces but needed some wood to make the legs and crosspiece, well thansk to the find I now have a great set of sawhorses and the have made things so nice around here as far as odd and end jobs...
Thanks. Quick update. The window is working out great. Spring has sprung here in lower Alabama so that means a cold snap. We hit lower longer here last week than we have all winter. Go figure. Anyway, thanks to the window I was able to close the screens leaving a small space for airflow...
Thanks all. Looking forward to new recipes with rabbit. Have been looking at the rabbit sausage idea good to hear it is good stuff. Can almost taste it.
Found a large bay window yesterday with screen sides. Window cost a me a few bucks but I think it will be a great greenhouse later down the road. However, i have been trying to figure a good place for my ducklings to stay that was a not a rubbermaid bin that they could trash(messy blighters...
I consider myself a bit of a scavenger. I ride around and keep my eyes peeled. my wife jokes but she knows I am on the lookout and it makes me happy so no harm there. Well yesterday my vigilance paid off in spades. heading back to work after lunch and spotted a pile of lumber on the side of...
Well I recently got into the rabbit business for meat. Started with 3 a buck and 2 does but they are too young to breed at the moment. However, my brother in law came into an entire rabbit farm for cheap and so I also got a bred doe and a 6 month old Buck. Well she had kits this morning at...
Made some nest boxes for the rabbits yesterday. fond some plans online that called for plywood. Didn't have any plywwod but had plenty of pallet slats. Few cuts a few nails and some leftover screen for the bottoms and we are in buisness. cannot post pictures yet but as soon as I can I will...
As for myself well I live in lower Alabama work as a substance abuse therapist, have 4 kids and as many dogs. Live in town but just bought 20 acres in the country. Grew up doing all the things I see around here but got away from it. Lately with the world like it is I feel I need to...
I looked around and am having hard time getting some size comparisons. I will keep looking though. Thanks for the welcome and I will get my post count up no problems.
Thanks. I think it might be tin plated but not sure. I will get some cleaning done and post some pics. i have heard people use stale bread run through it to assist in the cleaning as well.
Appreciate the info on the #32 very helpful.
This is a topic I can get into. I just recently realized the joys of building with pallets and have been a busy bee around here lately. First came finding a source for pallets with that taken care of I hauled around 50 of them, as well as some other wood forms, to the back yard. Then the fun...
Hello all. First post here just stumbled upon this wonderful site and very excited about all of the good information here.
Today at a local perpetual yardsale I bought a No 70 OVB food chopper. It is in decent shape but needs a good cleaning. It also came with a ton of grinder wheels but...