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  1. L

    What did you do to save $ today?

    We have had dry weather for quite some time. I have been fighting the urge to dry clothes in the dryer to save time. Keep thinking to self... :barnie the electric bill went down 25 dollars last month... gotta save money every day. Hang that laundry outside while you can! so I did. :bun
  2. L

    Uses for buttermilk

    You could use it in a homemade pancake mix.. :cool:
  3. L

    What did you do to save $ today?

    Consider going to Tattler reusable lids... I apologize for duplicate message in advance as I was just skimming some of my favorite threads and found yours. thought I would mention it 'cause they are a good idea. We bought them and can't wait to afford more. Laureli
  4. L

    1950 Cost of Living

    Just had a 40 something birthday. I remember lining up at the gas station at the foot of the hill... all 6 of the kids and my mom driving so we could get gas on our day. Then years later the summer i graduated from HS, I paid $.79/gallon. Might not have remembered that except I was going...
  5. L

    Homemade Automatic Dishwashing Detergent?

    :rolleyes: I thought any borax in it was kinda dangerous in that borax ingested is very toxic...
  6. L

    How are the gas prices in your area?

    saw 3.68 yesterday and was giddy :ya
  7. L

    How are the gas prices in your area?

    I bought gas for 3.78/gal and drove 1 mile down the road and saw it for $3.75 a gallon at two different stations across from one another. later drove 5 miles further (which would have been about 7 miles from the last two stations) ad saw it for $3.89! These two stations were off a major...
  8. L

    What did you do to save $ today?

    I cut my own hair. It doesn't look like ---"OH MY GOsH " you cut your hair... doesn't look too bad and it will do until I can go to the hair dresser...
  9. L

    leaving out the borax

    Can you leave out the borax when making a small batch of liquid laundry soap. I need to do laundry now and the store I was in didn't have any on their shelves... :he Thanks
  10. L

    What did you do to save $ today?

    Didn't use the dryer today... got enough hung that though it may rain tomorrow, we won't have to run around naked! :rolleyes:
  11. L

    Do you like your bread making machine and why?

    ;) I think I will try that.
  12. L

    Am I weird?

    I have hung many loads out in the past couple of weeks. Hung some towels out and forgot about them until it rained ... it was a terrible storm. Now I need them to dry out, so I can rewash and hang them out to dry. As for the stiffness in towels hung out to dry... try white vinegar in the...
  13. L

    What did you do to save $ today?

    I saw on here and used my loan numbers to get an amoritazation schedule.... The loan calculator came up with a payment that is 3.23 LESS than what I am calculated to pay. Which is right? this little bit adds up to 38.76 for the year plus the loan company charges me 5 dollars a...
  14. L

    What did you do to save $ today?

    My breadmachine is great for making bread, but I really can't make sandwiches from it (great toast) because I cannot cut it evenly--number one and number two-- it has a lot of air holes which means it falls apart if I do cut a sandwich size piece per chance. :idunno Therefore, while I do make...
  15. L

    What did you do to save $ today?

    What is/are baby soakers? :idunno
  16. L

    What did you do to save $ today?

    :D used rainwater to clean out the wet /dry vac that had sucked up the grossest, most disgusting fridge drip pan water ya ever did smell. :sick used some rags to clean the floor or to at least sop up the most disgusting fridge drip pan water ya ever did smell. :sick which had spilled while...
  17. L

    power company issues

    we had an NC electric bill for 389 in december... last year in March and April 2010 (go figure since most of that was heat and we really had not started the incubation frenzy) the bill was around $330. With that said, I try to turn off everything that I am not using. I unplug the charger, the...
  18. L

    power company issues

    I can't comment on a lot of what has been said (but really want to ... just don't have the time) but I have taught my 4 year old daughter to say, "save electricity" and turn off what you are not using. the computer goes into sleep mode and I only power it down every so often, so next time I am...
  19. L

    Do you like your bread making machine and why?

    I have a Cornerbakery Breadman. I usually make a loaf every couple of weeks. I really like the machine... just wish I made bread more often. I find that I don't like it for sandwhich bread--I can never slice it just right. The loaf is generally oversized at 2 pounds for sandwhiches. I love...