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  1. dipence71

    Dipence71- Picked up whole processed hog!!! Homemade porkyburger mmmm

    "Time to make the donuts" not really but that commercial quote is stuck in my head!!! More 4-H work!!!!!!
  2. dipence71

    Dipence71- Picked up whole processed hog!!! Homemade porkyburger mmmm

    6 Cups brown rice flour 2 Cups potato starch 1 Cup tapioca flour/starch That is what I use for my general all around "all purpose" I have a couple more specific ones for bread and such lol but those I have to look up lol and I am heading to bed now.. But if you want them I can post them...
  3. dipence71

    TanksHill...Roll on!!

    My local Walmart doesn't carry any Bobs Red Mill products. Nor many GF ones at all. A local grocery store has some BRM but not allot and what they do ave is very pricey. :barnie
  4. dipence71

    TanksHill...Roll on!!

    where did you find GF granola???? will you share your recipe???? :hide
  5. dipence71

    Dipence71- Picked up whole processed hog!!! Homemade porkyburger mmmm

    Yes it can just fall over because of moles, coons,deer, bugs, ect unfortunately. :hu I wouldn't call that cheating, but I already have all the flours (separately) that I mix into an "all purpose" brown rice mix. And I didn't want to, or have the extra money to, go get several bags of premix...
  6. dipence71

    Dipence71- Picked up whole processed hog!!! Homemade porkyburger mmmm

    DD13 4-h fair is this week. So been busy helping/teaching DD to bake homemade (not pre-processed boxes) and Gluten Free. :th GF Peanut butter cookies GF Choc chip cookies - had to do second batch as first "fell" flat but we can eat those lol. ***note to self don't use vanilla syrup when run...
  7. dipence71

    Dipence71- Picked up whole processed hog!!! Homemade porkyburger mmmm

    Well allot done today and more to do!!! :ya - Homemade gluten free deer Spaghetti in individual vac seal bags for quick meals and lunches. :drool - Deer broth vac sealed and in freezer - sweet corn off the cob and in the freezer,about 50 packed cups give or take(1 1/2 wheel barrels full...
  8. dipence71

    Dipence71- Picked up whole processed hog!!! Homemade porkyburger mmmm

    Well I got mom's hair scrubbed and cut. She was having a good day. :celebrate She knew i was her daughter, I didn't tempt fate as to ask which one lol.... So it was a nice time thankfully. I really don't think I could have dealt with much yesterday.. I then came home but did not get to work on...
  9. dipence71

    SCORE!!! Pressure canner at yard sale $15- No area pressure checks???

    Well noone in my are does the pressure checking on pressure caners...BOOOO Any ideas???
  10. dipence71

    Can you freeze corn before you can it?

    kinda what I though but wondering if anyone else has done this??
  11. dipence71

    Can you freeze corn before you can it?

    Time is the issue. Is it possible to freeze corn then thaw in batches to can at a later date? I use to just freeze but after loosing many 10lb bags of frozen corn to power outage I now want to can it all. It just all gets ripe at the same time as my FIL plants it with the field corn tractor...
  12. dipence71

    Bubblingbrooks Journey - Salut!

    That's great news!!!! :woot
  13. dipence71

    Non-Food Consumables

    Wow that is a good idea!!! But my DD's will eat the pickles LOL!!
  14. dipence71

    Non-Food Consumables

    I make gluten free bread but it never seems to stay fresh, don't know if that is the GF thing or storage(it seems to mold pretty quick if not in fridge or freezer). :( I have used several bread boxes and they have not helped so I gave up on them(regular and GF bread). I currently have a...
  15. dipence71

    Dipence71- Picked up whole processed hog!!! Homemade porkyburger mmmm

    Well I have to go and try to cut mom's hair today. :fl Hopefully she will be in a good mood and let me as I have been trying and she is always "too tired", but I have gotten, I swear 10 calls about how she needs her hair cut. Like I didn't know that, but what are you suppose to do? :he Drag...
  16. dipence71

    Bubblingbrooks Journey - Salut!

    sending Prayers and :hugs
  17. dipence71

    Non-Food Consumables

    All I can say is WOW!!! :bow :bow :bow You are my hero!!!! Thanks for the details. I am going to have to try this.. you inspired me!!!! :weee Thank you!!! And to me NO it was not too long it was awesome..
  18. dipence71

    Wifezilla's Rampage - Weekend Update w/ pics

    Sounds like Murphy's law... Thast is how my days. weeks..months...ect seem to go :barnie Sorry to hear about all the problems and missing fowl. :hugs
  19. dipence71

    Non-Food Consumables

    I want to know how anyone can use coupons to get stuff free or nearly free. All I can do is save .50 on a name brand product that if I buy the generic is $1 cheaper anyway...I wish I could figure out how to do it because boy I would llllllllllloooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee to!!!!!!!