I agree....
Don't think revenge, ever....
Think what is legally best for your children and what is best for you, because obviously he is not and probably never will ever again.
Think long and hard before moving to the in laws because, I have been there done that, and it will eventually bite...
I am so sorry to hear all of this. But I am with the majority here and say get legal advice ASAP!!
Don't settle for what he is "offering". Get the facts and get them sooner than later. You need to be the rock for your kids, and they didn't ask their dad for this and neither did you. You are...
do you have a roof roof or a wire roof. I am looking into doing this in my garden. Is there an easy way to get them to and from the tractor back to the coop and run? I can't let em run as DD's dog will grab and eat them, so unless I physically carry them is there an easier answer??
And yes I am very happy :celebrate to have harvested some sweet corn. It all isnt ready thank god or I would be knee high in cutting corn off the cob and pressure canning.....I reaaallyyyy dont have time this week. My manager is on vacation and I am the only other full time stylist, so I am...
Yeppers. Mom was pretty laid back and quiet and she did the flip in personality and is totally mouthy and B****y, hateful and such toward me but happy ish and outgoing with everyone else LOL They love her at the nursing home..
Sooo DD 13 had her 4h meeting at the nursing home (where mom is) because they have a small garden they ( the 4h group) planted so they go take care of it. anyway she of course wanted to go see grandma (she doesnt know about allll the issues with mom) Any who Mom has no idea who I am and is...
Well finally the boil order has been lifted!!!
Working on green beans today and need to pick sweet corn and work in the garden and a million other things, but just realized DD13 has a 4h meeting at 6:30 so all my projects come to a screeching halt.
I guess I will just have to wait and work...
Wow what a deal!!! I love mine too. Especially since having to go gluten free means I make almost everything homemade and it saves me allot of time and elbow grease lol..
Next on my list is the pasta/ravioli attachments. REALLLY looking forward to when I find the money running up a hill and can...
Yahhh.. and got a waterbath canner for $6 I still have to have the caner checked at my local extension office but for 15 I cant lose. I cant even buy a cheapy stock pot for that price lol...
:weee :woot :ya
I found a pressure canner at a yard sale for $15. I know I need to take it to my local extension office and hsve it regulated and checked over....BUTTTT $15 is such a bargain I cant buy a stock pot that size for 15 anywhere so even if it doesnt work as pressure canner I am still on the plus side...
I agree I do but I need to figure out the exact HOW to do it lol... :hu
Jacksonville got flooded by Mauvistere creek and it flooded the water tx plant. NO ONE expected it would take this long and the city wasn't prepared. This was the biggest flood Jville has seen in at least over my 40 yrs of...
Had to go buy more bottle water today grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :somad bet I wont get a rebate on my water bill though now will I.... HA!!!!
It has been 4 week and I have just about had it with the freaking boil order... I have 11 no 10 now because one died. meaties that are just begging to...
BOIL ORDER still in effect for me it has been 4 weeks.....GRRRRRRRR :duc :somad :rant :he sounds like someone needs a fire lit under their butt.. :smack
trying to clean out rabbit hutch and cages today. :bun
doing laundry and hanging it out (AS USUAL)lol
Waiting for the darn boil...
Have also been trying to find my garden as with all the rain and bad weather the weeds literally took over. found some green beans yahhhhh!!!
found some blooms on cukes and zuch so maybe not a total loss... :fl
Plus we were gone for a week on vacation so that didn't help matters but was a...
Moving on to other things lol.... NO rest for the wicked so I must be awfully wicked lol
Day 3 of homemade chicken stock project lol.... SMELLSSSSSSSSSS AAWWEESSOOMEE!!!!!!
I will clarify and strain today. Don't seem to get any rising fat to skim off. Is this normal?? I am using home...