God is good.
I went outside feeling horrible and my 13yo dd says "mom we have a baby turtle in the "pool/pond" My first reaction was I am not in the mood for this. But I stopped myself and said "ok lets go look." So we sat there and talked about the turtle we found and put in there and then the...
We have tried umpteen meds for her and dr continues to try different things. She is well care for.
She is not who I am worried about right now. It is me and my emotional well being right at this moment which is on major overload. That affects how I continue through this jungle of struggle and...
Well I cannot keep doing this with my mom. She has alzhiemers and every time I talk tobher it is a grip session with me as the target I know it is not her fault but that does not make it hurt less. Today it was about dads truck that she sold before my youngest dd was even thought of and she is...
I use it and whatever other fruit I have on hand that we like.
I just use enough of the fruit and zucchini to = what sure jell recipe calls for depending on weather it is regular or sugar free.
Always a HUGE hit and it is verrrryyyyy good!!!
Well we haven't been able to use water since Saturday. Due to flooding. And are on boil order and water restriction. No laundry dishes showers ect. But excuse me while I take a shower because I work very close to the public and my arm pits are always in someones face area ( hair stylist)...
My vote is tea tree oil. I use it for everything from a deep rabbit scratch to bee stings.
I know this is off subject but my experience : I wrecked my motorcycle and got severe road rash on my left arm from scooting across the gravel on my shoulder and arm. They had to dig the gravel out and...
I am now covered in rabbit scratches thanks to my does as I took mom out and let the 2 "runts" nurse by them selves. Only minor issues such as doe flipped and tossed babies
And a chicken grabbed one and took off but we got it back no real visible damage but we shall see. These poor...
Good Luck with the ouchies. I am now covered in rabbit scratches thanks to my does as I took mom out and let the 2 "runts" nurse by them selves. Only minor issues such as die flipped and tossed babies
And a chicken grabbed one and took off but we got it back no real visible damage but we shall see.
NOT petty at all, it is all the little things that we put up with and then the 1 more little thing that pushes us over the line into completely and totally going way over the deep end.
been there done that!!!
:hugs :hugs
Well one doe (meat rabbit breeder) just had 8 kits, one dead on wire, but first time litter so.... woohoooo. 7 live wiggling fur less babies in the nest!!!! We shall see how good a mommy she is. :)
One more meat doe to go within next week....we will see, will be her second litter...
Well while trying to weed another storm moved in and lighting was wicked so me and DD13 Ran back in the house because it was very close. Scared me especially after house being hit a weekish ago and a cow being stuck in the pasture not too far from here. Sooo another day with not accomplishing...