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  1. dipence71

    Help reducing grocery bill?

    Celiac coupons???? where where!!!!
  2. dipence71

    gluten free pot luck dishes?

    Hamburger casserole 1 pkg GF noodles cook according to directions 2 cans GF stewed tomatoes 1 can gf cream of mushroom soup ( I use progresso and add corn starch to thicken it 1 lb hamburger cooked 1 chopped onion 1-2 chopped green pepper(depending on size) Shredded Cheddar cheese to top it...
  3. dipence71

    Extreme Couponing

    I tried to do coupon but it seems that generics are better buys, or Aldies. I cannot figure out how they save so much. I even joined a coupon train and I just don't get coupons on stuff I actually use. I buy all my cleaning supplies, laundry det, deo, body wash, tooth paste ect ect from...
  4. dipence71

    Ladies! Cut your own hair?

    And I was only kidding about the HORRIFIED part lol I truly am a lic. cosmo teacher and have a salon in my home and use to teach at a cosmetology school LMAO....
  5. dipence71

    Ladies! Cut your own hair?

    I am a licensed cosmetology teacher and I am horrified... :barnie :th :lau JK I cut my own as well. I havent done anything to mine in about a year and just cut it the other day and wore it down for the first time in welllll a year lol and my family just went on and on about it.... I never...
  6. dipence71

    need impute!! IPhone or windows 7 phone?

    Why, what is your reasons? I am wavering back and forth so any reason in particular?
  7. dipence71

    need impute!! IPhone or windows 7 phone?

    trying to decide between the 2. One big difference is the price. But also the features it has. anyone have an opinion? I got the windows 7 phone but cant decide if it is worth keeping (have 30 days to decide) I depend on different ringtones for diff ppl such as boss, work , family friends as I...
  8. dipence71

    going GF? test results...

    your story could be mine. Unsupportive family, sick and no reason always sick, accused of being a hypochondriac, crazy, depressed whatever... Finally a little over a year ago my mom who is in Nursing home (Alzheimer's) got sent for testing because they didnt want to deal with her intestinal...
  9. dipence71

    going GF? test results...

    I have evidentially been anemic for quit some time but not enough to be treated or show enough on regular blood work because my doctor never mentioned it. But I have never been able to give blood because my level is always just below what is allowed. Well after about a year on gluten free diet I...
  10. dipence71

    Deer meat...

    What's your recipe/time for doing that? I did deer spaghetti sauce and canned it water bath for 90 minutes after I had cooked it all to the boiling point and it had cooking for several hrs simmering.
  11. dipence71

    Anyone else shop at a dollar store?

    :thumbsup I LOVE Dollar Tree...Just was there today. :ep 2 cookie sheets 2 brownie pans 2 8" round cake pans several(like 12) flame less candles Just had an issue with my real candle vibrating off the edge of the whirlpool tub, burning and scalding me with hot wax :somad candy batteries for...
  12. dipence71

    Multivitamin for 18 yr old girl

    I take multi vit and other suppliments from Melaleuca. I use to not be able to take any multi vit because they all made me sick especially cheap vit. as well as from GNC ect, Even the prenatal prescribed by the dr made me deathly ill. Melaleuca I can take no problem and they are Gluten Free...
  13. dipence71

    Power Outages... How Do You Prepare?

    We had an ice storm a couple yrs ago and were without power for 2 weeks... I obviously was NOT prepared but it got me motivated to prepare. We have a generator that we tried to keep the freezer and fridge going and off and on plug in the microwave ect but a huge pain in the keester lol and...
  14. dipence71

    Food storage "out of the closet"?

    Back to the deer processing, it doesn't take as much talent as it does take want to power. Yes I said want to power. I fiddle farted around with it for years but when I finally got serious about it and wanted to learn how to do and the equipment to do it. I can do up to 8 deer in one week by my...
  15. dipence71

    What Are They Thinking...??

    yea it is funny when people "make fun :lau " of me doing all the home cooking, canning, gardening, fruit trees, shrubs, chickens, and rabbits. BUT in the next breath say if TSHTF they are coming to my house because they know they wont starve. :ep :hu :hu :plbb :plbb
  16. dipence71

    Soup and Stew Time

    HMMMMMM my favorite depends on my mood lol Veggie soup I make my veggie soup after making roast potatoes and carrots, just chop and add more of whatever needed and add corn, stewed tomatoes, cabbage, and v8 juice or tomato juice. Just made this last night yummmmmmm... Cheese Soup Cream of...
  17. dipence71

    Canning jars - storage

    they can hold moisture and rust
  18. dipence71

    Canning jars - storage

    Great minds.... and I second the "you will end up with more than you need" I somehow ended up with ooooodddllleesss of rings LOL...but mostly because at the end of the season they are usually left and are really cheap lol
  19. dipence71

    Canning jars - storage

    Walmart, ace hardware, farm and home stores and most places that sell canning stuff have the new plastic one piece lids to use for storing in the fridge. ( I use them after I have opened a canned jar) and they store in the fridge great hope that helps
  20. dipence71

    Anyone have the kitchenaid mixer attachments? use as food processor?

    what attatchments do u have? And why do u love them? I am trying to decide which to get.