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  1. doc_gonzo

    doc_gonzo's man cave

    moxie, i prefer my liquor neat as well. i'd be bummed if i had your tolerance though. obviously from all the spelling errors in my last post, i dont suffer from that afliction:lau 10 or 15 yrs ago i was the road manager for a blues band so i can totally relate to your adversion to dive bars...
  2. doc_gonzo

    Wood burner with 55 gallon barrels?

    thanks wannab, that's pretty much how i envisioned the project. the guy did mention using galvinized stove pipe, NEVER use galvinized stove pipe indoors it will give you a dose of heavy metal poisoning that could kill you. kinda gives new meaning to "death metal" doc
  3. doc_gonzo

    doc_gonzo's man cave

    wooohooo!!!! the boli's finaly arrived. 3 wks my butt, i didn't give em 3 days in the humi, i did a gentle squeeze test.... passed, cut the end cap and gave it a draw test....yowwwza, fire that bugger up!!! now normally i would have paired this gar with my favorite caribian rum, Kracken, a...
  4. doc_gonzo

    Wood burner with 55 gallon barrels?

    i built the stove that dawn pictured on the 1 st page. i tried to talk the greenhouse owner into buying the vogelzyme kit but he wanted to do everything on the cheap with stuff he had laying around. so although not very elegant it was quite functional. we used the dbl barrel at one end and a...
  5. doc_gonzo

    doc_gonzo's man cave

    gaaaaahhhhh, it kills me sometimes to wait for these shipments, habanos i need habanos the cohibas and monticrstos already in the humi don't count, i need the bolivars, dammit. c'mon moxie i know u undrstand. whats worse is that's once therre here, they still have to have a 3 wk rest in the...
  6. doc_gonzo

    Several Books on natural remedies and healing!

    School of Natural Healing, by Dr. John Christopher, is our go-to book but we have stacks of others as well. dawn419 is my "little hillbilly witch doctor", but i do take an active interest in my own holistic health care. and we've invesed a lot of time and effort (not to mention $) in developing...
  7. doc_gonzo

    doc_gonzo's man cave

    ahhh, a keeper for sure:D thanks dahlin and thanks deb and moxie. we use the 40 count on top for infused and flavoured sticks and the 400 count chest for my more traditional cigars. cheers doc
  8. doc_gonzo

    doc_gonzo's man cave

    kstavens, yeah no embargo, not that i let that stop me. but i have canuk friends on a couple of cigar forums, and i know how insane y'alls tax structure is. we pay 1/2 what you pay for alcahol and tobacco. of course that's subject to change when our clueless leaders grapple with fiancing...
  9. doc_gonzo

    doc_gonzo's man cave

    oh no i forgot poker, another way to pizz off the ol cheers doc
  10. doc_gonzo

    doc_gonzo's man cave

    alllllll right fellas lets goooooooooo (ala the sweet 1975) i love hand rolled cigars, a couple of fingers of great kentucky bourbon, and 1344cc of finely tuned harley davidson motor between my knees. not nessarily all at the same time since i don't drink and drive, and it's darn hard to smoke...
  11. doc_gonzo


    i shave my head and face (all but a long gotee and stash) about every 3 or 4 days. an 8 pack of 3 blade swivel heads runs me around $7, but i only get 2 uses out of each blade. however reading icu4dzs method may get me a few more shaves out of each. i already do most of what he suggests but...
  12. doc_gonzo

    Any winemakers/homebrewers here?

    ~gd, yeah the soda type kegs. midwest has really good deals on new and used ball lock type kegs. we get 99% of our supplies from them. we watched the movie "how beer saved the world" the other night, great movie if you haven't seen it yet it's definatly a must see for home brewers. cheers doc
  13. doc_gonzo

    Any winemakers/homebrewers here?

    dawn and i realy enjoy the wine making, personaly i really miss brewing beer, but living i a 22" camper while i build our cabin does not allow the space for the brewing accutriments that ~gd mentioned, or the running water for a wort chiller, let alone the floor space for a top tier brewing...
  14. doc_gonzo

    Fire Cider Tonic

    ok 1 st test of the fire cider. taste wise i love it. it's not hot like sear your mouth closed hot , it's more like a good brandy it warms you all the way down. the reason i got into it before it had done it's full 8 week steep is i had a tooth abscessing on me, last night it was swollen and...
  15. doc_gonzo

    The Pagan Circle

    hope everyone had a blessed solstice!!! i for one enjoyed basking in the starlight with a fine hand rolled cigar and a couple fingers of caribian rum. it was a bit chilly for dawn so i celibrated tonight alone, perhaps tomorrow night we'll get a fire going in the circle and both enjoy the stars...
  16. doc_gonzo

    Non-Electric Appliances, Tools, And Gadgets.

    a great place to find a brace is the used stuff malls.... the places where they rent booths by the month to folks. i have found 2 or 3 braces around here, in these "malls". there's almost always at least one booth devoted to vintage tools. these places are great for old school kitchen appliances...
  17. doc_gonzo

    The Pagan Circle

    hello again D L, that would be awsome to get out diggin with y'all hopefully the fluid druid will be up to it by spring. i don't have a particular "ism" that i follow, i feel very strongly toward native amerikan culture whitch ties to wicca to some extent, but i'm also drawn to zen budhsim and...
  18. doc_gonzo

    Dawn419 & doc's LSTA: Confounded Computer!!!

    hey D L, all good..... still wasting O2! 6 rows of garlic in the ground (120 SQ FT) rainy day didn't get much accomplished. weather man says chances of flurries, i'm off till thur so bring it !!! lil mama gave me a knuckle bump on that one hehe. as you know, the reason for dawn and i to be...
  19. doc_gonzo

    The Pagan Circle

    hey D L, it was great meeting you and F D recently, we had a blast! we're already planning a spring trip, to visit a bit more and perhaps dig a few crystals. Dawn and i arent overt about our break with traditional philosophy. as others, we too get invitations often to join friends for church...
  20. doc_gonzo

    The Pagan Circle

    hey folks, sooo glad dawn419 mentioned this thread to me. i'm not on often enough to have found this on my own, had to use the search to figure out where it was even with the heads up. i'm on nights right now so i actually had time to read the entire thread, and i must say it's refreshing to...