hiya kOxxx,
we run 2 antique boilers. the '79 deltek has a super heater to provide dry steam for the turbine. we also have a '58 keeler that can supply steam for heating and kilns only. we're still teeny weeny in comparison, 34K lbs to push 2K amps, but hey we're doin our part. i'd like to go...
hi miss_thenorth,
we are small potatoes compared to youre hubbys plant, you could fit our turbine, gear box and generator in the 22' camper that dawn419 and i live in. we're not set up for net metering, we use every amp we produce and buy $40 K a month in. no class forth, i'm guessing that's...
i have the coolest job! i work for a hard wood floor manufacturer. i run a boiler that co-generates steam for our drying kilns,heat for the entire plant in the winter and our hot water. the co-gen part is that we also produce over $50 K in electricity every month. the wood for our product is...
i just cant resist answering your initial question;
it was to show the 'possum that it could be done.
or if you live in the deep south the 'dillo's, dawn and i call them arkansas speed bumps, or armor plated 'possums.
must be the super yeast because most wine and beer yeast dies out and quits fermenting at 22 or23%. just checked the midwest brewing and wine making catalogue (our main supplier) and they don't list a super yeast. where did you find the super yeast, i'm always looking to add a little...
the legality of stills varies from state to state. here in Ar they are illegal unless you use an addative to render your brew undrinkable, ie. ethanol. now where's the fun in that??? still, (no pun intended) a little experimentation may be in order. several of our wine making books have recipies...
hi savingdogs,
we also build a lot of stuff with recycled materials, but i coudn't build something this nice for twice the money. these hutches are industrial grade heavy duty. our pick up is down at the moment, a friend is going to help me get the hutches home on friday, i,ll get dawn to do...
thanks y'all
funny thing was .... we ended up knowing the folks we got the hutches from. turns out he had a small engine repair shop. back when dawn and i were still running back and forth between here and tn we needed some work done on a generator and wound up at his shop. it was kinda cool...
thanx shiloh,
i'm stoked that rob put this site up since the last time that dawn and i were on line, almost 2 yrs. dawn and i have spent the last 17 yrs plannng and schemeing, "long srtange trip farm" and we are having a blast seeing it come to fruition.
dawn and i scored a killer deal today. we used to raise meat rabbits a couple of yrs ago in Tn and were wanting to get back into it.... (here in arkansas) i saw an ad in a local sales rag for hutches, hmmm. turns out that they are the nice mfg. hutches, 3 high, 30 x 36 inch footprint...
the tom sawyer in me wants to say #2
the realist in me says #1
the other realist in me (oh yes there are many of us in here) says that the boss lady Dawn is realy the one that gets it all done.
this seems to tie into the eo13575 post, ive been reading both. if we dont take this kind of stuff seriously, we will be overrun by the sheeple that this garbage is meant to support. the lay-about gubmit subsidised, welfare mamas and papas will be eating our produce and live stock beore we can...
oh no they found us again.
the deeper into the woods and country-side we go, the harder the "gubmint" tries to ride us down. we'll soon become a "resourse" to be "allocated" for the "greater good" this sounds suspisciously like another "eminent domain" snatch and grab type scanario.
yikes, do...
hey y'all
thanks for the welcomes and thanks for the heads-up freemotion. ive been on dayside for the last few days, so ive not had a chance to get online.
dawn, your right, and its been a long strange trip so far!
hi y'all
i'm doc, or skip, my wife (dawn419) and i are long time members at byc. we took a couple of years off while recovering from a bad motorcycle wreck and moving out to arkansas to our 17 ac. homestead. dawn is my chicken chick, i build, dig or otherwise facilate her chicken obsession...