Check out online too, there are multiple websites that offer free printouts & info on homeschooling as well as forums & support. A great site that you can get all the requirements for your state laws is you can get tons of info from them.
Not sure how much they cost but they do make a solar pump for wells. WE were talking to a guy at the local drilling co where we have our remote property about a windmill & he said we would probobly be better off with a solar pump monetary wise. Plus there is less wear & tear on them & less...
:welcome Always glad to have new fresh ideas around here. Hope we can help ya out! You hate to weed? Well we actually wate our weeds so they last longe to feed to our animals & it cuts down on the hay bill.
Welcome to our little neck of the woods. AS mentioned before just look at one idea at a time to prove to mom that you know what you are doing & how your family will benefit from it & she will come around. Glad to hear a 15 yr old has good thoughts for their future.
Dh's stepmom worked until 80 she was in chage of a facility for disadvantaged & disabled children(director). She retired 1 mo before dfil had a quad bypass & has been playing nursemaid off & on for a few yrs now as he gets sick(he is 65 this yr). My dad retired at age 65 1/2 he has worked hard...
Great score Tallman, I was hoping to get one as we are planting 3 apple trees this next month. Hopefully I can get one before they really start putting all the apples on in a few yrs.
We originally planned on 4 trees a yr for the next 3-4 yrs. But we are now getting the majority of them this yr, as we want them to produce asap for us. With the economy & inflation going on I want to be able to still have the fresh fruits for my family & be able to put some up too. So for...