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  1. H

    For REAL!??????

    there have been for yrs people trying to get more arms control in this country & that includes taking guns away from everyone but the police & military. When Reagan was shot it was all over the news & I was a teenager then & I remember it. Every time there is a school shooting or a disgruntled...
  2. H

    Cut in pay = cut in expenditures

    Starting July 1st dh will be taking a once a pay period furlough, which equals out to a little over our grocery budget each month. And comes just as the elec bills get to their high point. Great timing for the state! Although the alternative is to lay off people & I see this as a better way...
  3. H

    For REAL!??????

    But there would be more fools who would just hand over their weapons & ammo than wouldn't "because the gov't said to". So who is using fear now? Not me. Would i just hand over our guns & ammo? No I would not, would my dad or brother? Not one your life! Why? Because it is a right given to us...
  4. H

    For REAL!??????

    If guns were outlawed, only outlaws would have guns!! Get a clue people! these criminals who brandish these guns in your face to rob & shot you are not using a registered to them gun, it was stolen out of a law abiding citizens house as was the ammo, so to use it to trace to solve crimes will...
  5. H

    The Self-Sufficient Skills thread (new name, old thread!)

    True I didn't think of it like that. I just meant right now it is the one thing I am learning about. Is that a better way of putting it?
  6. H


    Well now that ER is done I really feel there is not much on TV & I would love to shut it off compleatly. Just buy the dvds of tv shows we like & rent from redbox. But dh says NO!! he loves his tv!!
  7. H

    Song requests

    Robert Palmer sings it. Thanks Dac for the tulips connection I will have to listen to it later when I can wait for the downloaded version. :clap
  8. H

    Report on fair

    Thanks everyone! For some strange reason my computer won't allow me to upload pics on it(I really need to get my db over here to help me with it). Otherwise I would post pics! ds#1's dgf is supposed ot email me pics she took so many I can get those uploaded, but they are only from him...
  9. H

    Beekeeping...for those interested!

    Still working on dh. :hu
  10. H

    Raw milk~shares in cow?????~I think I'd rather buy a low line jersey!

    I think it would worth it to buy a baby & finish raising it to breeding age. Cheaper that way! There is a local farm that has lowlines nearby & I am tempted to talk to them. Jersey have a better butterfat content than holsteins do.
  11. H

    Report on fair

    I am so prou of my ds, he took the 2 d'Uccles to the fair along with 6 of her eggs to compete with & this is how he came out with awards: eggs- blue ribbon hen - blue ribbon cock - blue ribbon & purple for best of breed showmanship(cock) - blue ribbon medal for best new exhibitor!! Because he...
  12. H

    Want some free homeschool stuff?

    Thanks I am always looking for freebes to help keep the cost down!
  13. H

    For REAL!??????

    How is losing our freedoms getting a better country to live in?
  14. H

    Questions for Homeschoolers

    Maybe offer a certificate of completion especially for the older kids to prove like a home ec credit. Although for our HS group it would be a little steep in price as they are one income families. Just a little thought. Plus I get my ds in the kitchen helping me cook so he is learning to...
  15. H

    Gearing Up for Gardens thread...

    Mine is just about all done with planting, still have a raised bed to build to plant more asparagus in. Have to replant a few things that the nasty littel rabbits & prarie dogs have eatten up.
  16. H

    Raw milk~shares in cow?????~I think I'd rather buy a low line jersey!

    Our buying club got our first delivery of raw organic milk on Sun afternoon. We got it from a dairy in Texas! He told me he left at 6am & arrived at my house around 4:45pm! :ep Hw made good time. I got 2 gals of it. The second gal I am seperating the cream to make butter with. I am...
  17. H

    Good deed for the day

    Ds#1 calls @ 6:50pm yeserday(just as we are finishing supper) & says he needs help as the axle from his boat trailer is coming off & he is at the lake getting ready to come home(2 1/2 hrs away). So dh hooks up his trailer & loads up the chains & straps & leaves about 7:30pm, got home after...
  18. H

    Song requests

    How about a real spring song? Tip toe thru the tulips?
  19. H


    Well I acquirred 2 pairs of boots for dd in sizes 10 & 12 1/2 last week, right now she wears a 8 1/2. Ds#1's gf bought her the size 10 @ a local western store that is going out of business for 40% off(ropers) & the other pair was given by a friend from the homeschool group so we have boots for...
  20. H

    The Self-Sufficient Skills thread (new name, old thread!)

    The only thing I am learning new right now is about being a 4h leader for the local poultry club since we have none here for our town. Oh and how to care for rhubarb plants(6) & plant trees(did 3 of them myself). Still learning more things is my goal for this yr.