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  1. H

    What did you do to save $ today?

    Hung out 5 loads of laundry. Made a batch of whole wheat banana choc chip muffins. Last night I turned the lights all off sooner too. Dh has measured to get the sunscreens made for all the windows. Covered 2 of the windows to block the direct light from getting in & heating up the house in...
  2. H

    Signs of spring in your area?

    Finding drowned sparrows in my water troughs for the livestock!
  3. H

    Life is too busy right now.

    Still trying to get caught up on everything I did not do last week because of fair. We are doing well with the bed so the crib is coming out this weekend!! More room in her bedrm then. Only 1 night of problems the rest have been good nights for going to bed(thank goodness). There are people...
  4. H

    Life is too busy right now.

    Hey Karen, "puter" time is not much right now & I have so many on back emails it will take me a few mos to get rid of them again!! But once the heat sets in we will be inside a little more in the daytime & maybe that will help to get rid of a bunch or do it at night after the kids are in bed...
  5. H

    Life is too busy right now.

    I do try to get some lesson out of everything we do around here for ds. Not to mention he is learning how to fend for himself foodwise for the future too. Thanks!
  6. H

    Life is too busy right now.

    WE have so much going on it makes my head spin! Dh rented a tractor over the weekend & we got so much accomplished, now i am getting the inch of dirt out of my house!! Not to mention the garden is done except for building 2 more raised beds out of cinderblocks(freebies), so we are watering &...
  7. H

    Since we are all in this game together...............

    Not to mention first timeres sometimes get over zealous in there endeavor & bite off more than they can chew to start with(guilty myself).
  8. H

    Pleas, pray for my mom

    So happy to hear she is home!!! :celebrate :weee
  9. H

    Food Storage Spaces

    Right now I have the same problem. Dh wants to tear down his shop & build a new one, I was thinking to put one under it with a hidden door if we can do it in the next few yrs. Otherwise maybe put one under my garden shed as we have to replace the wooden floor in it(due to termites). Plus it...
  10. H

    Food storage list must haves

    Just stocking up for our own consumption. wondering about making a still since we are growing corn now. Looking into wine making as we are growing grapes too now.
  11. H

    Seriously, this helps how??

    My question is since when do we give prisoners of war the same civil liberties that we as citizens of this country have & deserve? Answer: NEVER!!!!!!!!!!! We need to keep Gitmo open, thank you! It is not to bright to plan to close it up & not know what you are going to do with the prisoners...
  12. H

    Food Storage Spaces

    Not readily visible & theft proof.
  13. H

    Its alomst Time to Plant

    Wow, almost time? I have almost everything planted & things are starting to sprout already. I still have 2 more tires to plant in & build another raised bed out of cinder blocks & get my next batch of asparagus crowns planted now that the last of the peas died off. Already sorting out my...
  14. H

    How do you use your space?

    I have been thinking this way as we needed to add shade trees to our property so they are fruit trees for now. After we get everything in fruit trees we want if we still need more shade trees then we will get regular ones, maybe.
  15. H

    Signs of spring in your area?

    We get ours in the winter, when all the winter visitors are here! :he
  16. H

    What did you do to save $ today?

    Yesterday I hung out 3 loads of laundry, pulled weeds around my rhubarb plants & fed them to my chickens. Covered a few windows up to keep the heat out too so I did not need to turn on my a/c. Took a shower with dd last night too. Ds#1 Dgf came over to play pool instead of spending money to...
  17. H

    Pleas, pray for my mom

    Glad to hear she is getting better enough to be out of ICU, not the best place to be. Hope she continues to improve for you.
  18. H

    What did you do to save $ today?

    Freemotion, I really agree with you on this one too. Since we started eating more natural & organic foods we have not been really sick in 2 yrs. A little cold here & there. DD who is fixin to turn 3 in May has not had anything other than a cold & not needed any antibiotics at all. Both sons...
  19. H

    FORD, didnt take our money and opening a new plant!!

    Back in 94 I was driving a Ford Explorer(2 door) & it was destroyed in our accident(head-on collision-not my fault) & once a few mos later when I was at the hospital getting my leg cast changed again, the guy asked me what kind of vehicle I was driving in the accident & then asked if I knew what...
  20. H

    Food storage list must haves

    Good thought! :clap