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  1. H

    Green Burial

    Thanks Morel I can just feel the love on this forum now! :clap
  2. H

    What is going on in Europe?

    I can call her anything I like it is called free speech!! I base that name on a lot of things I have read about her & heard her say! A lot of things she has wrong btw!
  3. H

    Food storage list must haves

    It will also come in handy to line pans with if we have a limited water supply so we can cook & not have to wash the pan.
  4. H

    Do you have SS friends? Or do your friends think you are weird?

    I have one from High School, but she lives over 60 miles from me so it is hard to get together frequently. But she was here on Valentines day & brought me a bottle of wine she & her brothers made at a winery(I dated one of her brothers too).
  5. H

    Food storage list must haves

    I group foil with my plastic wrap & baggies in my mind at least. I don't use bleach at all, so I have a big spot for vinegar on my list(it disinfects just as well as bleach).
  6. H

    Signs of spring in your area?

    I planted my garden.
  7. H

    Green Burial

    Why can't women hug without you know? :hide :hugs :hugs to you morel
  8. H

    An amazing quote.

    they need to keep the secret ballot.
  9. H

    What is going on in Europe?

    Not if Nasty Piglosi has any say in it. she likes her private jet we bought for her to fly home to SF every night in(we also buy the fuel & pay the pilot).
  10. H

    Food storage list must haves

    2 ways to calculate that, figure 1 week litter x 52 = yrs supply. or 1 month litter x 12 = yrs supply.
  11. H

    For women only please!

    Welcome Hennypenny, we are all about being as self sufficient as possible over here & saving all we can. So this just fits right in. I plan on getting mine made real soon, need to get pul first to put in them. Picked out the material from my remenant pile.
  12. H

    Pleas, pray for my mom

    :hugs Hope everything turns out ok for your mom. If there is hogging going on of the time allowed in the room let the nurses know & they can kick some out so you can go in.
  13. H

    What is going on in Europe?

    And don't forget groomed too.
  14. H

    IRON Money!

    equipment that has broken down & not fixable, scraps left over from projects that are not big enough to use for something else, etc.
  15. H

    Poison Ivy

    Nice to meetcha too! :frow
  16. H

    Green Burial

    I thought the same thing too Ann.
  17. H

    Poison Ivy

    We lived there till I was 9 then moved here(dad was transferred here by Skyline). We lived just right down the road from the Indian School(can't remember how to spell it, but I can pronounce it!!) My parents & 3 children went back there almost 3 yrs ago now & they had remodeled the old farm...
  18. H

    Poison Ivy

    Arkansas City. We had 2 seperate farms right outside of town near the OK border.
  19. H

    Poison Ivy

    Here in the desert we don't have poison ivy, but I have been told that rubbing vodka on the rash helps. I've never had expeience with it as it did not grow on our farm back in KS, or around my relatives places in OK. :hu