He also said there would be no lobbyists in his administration & he wold not allow earmarks to go thru on bills. Hhhmmmm, how many loobyists are on his staff? How many earmarks are there in these 2 bills alone? Don't trust a thing that comes out of his mouth. Real professional telling Rush...
As to the laundry soap it is great for people with sensitive skin, no reactions at all. Even safe for babies(no need for dreft).
Can you clean out the closets & drawers anymore & have another yard sale? Make sure you advertize your eggs then too, maybe you can get repeat customers that way...
Lard in the biscuts instead of shortening are a whole lot better tasting, mine rise better too with lard.
In your bread recipe are you subsituting the honey for sugar? If so the ratio is 3/4 cup honey/agave to 1 cup sugar. I would agree you are letting your second rise go too long. Also...
I was telling dh we need to plant maples on our property up north so we can make our own syrup some day too. He is thinking on that one.
gettinaclue, chickens aren't hard work at all, they are easy to have.
How we do this is when we have a whole lot of it, dh goes to the local scrap yard guy(we've known him for yrs) & requests a dumpster, they bring it out & drop it where ever we want it on the property, we fill it up & call him when it is ready. then after he hauls it up to Phx & sells it he...
In 1947 our housing market took a huge downswing & the values of homes went way down. Most likely due to the boom after the war & they built way too many houses for the demand. That market stayed down for about 2-3 yrs before it started coming back up.
A lot of those ideas & programs were...
I joined the paperback swap & have mailed out 3 books & so far received 4 with one more on the way. They keep a running tab for you on how much the books cost & what you save & so far it is over $13 saved for me(that is minus the postage). My son is getting a good collection of the Hank Zipzer...
I have been saying for over 10 yrs we need to clean house in Washington & take back "our gov't". A lot of people have laughed at me like i am crazy, but now they are seeing my point & why.
The SS a child collects after losing a parent is to help the remaining parent to care for that child financially & is not a full benefit the parent would have gotten. The lost parent paid for those benefits. And the child only gets benefits until they turn 18 or graduate from High School. So...
Then explain why the only stocks that were staying stable & not dropping have now dropped since he started talking healthcare. The stocks were in healthcare BTW. Still speaks volumes to me. there is nothing he can do to fix it, it is just a cycle & needs to run its course. Let these banks &...
Since inaguration day the market as of Fri had dropped 20%, since election day in Nov till inaguration day it was like 8-10%. So since Nov's election our market has dropped almost 30%. Can't say he inheirited that mess. It was all a direct effect of him being elected & sworn in.
And I...
With satelite we did not need a convertor box in the house. Dh has a tv in his shop(don't ask) & had to get one for in there. Personally I would love to give up tv after this tv season is over as ER will be done & there really is not much on that is good. WE can rent & buy videos to watch or...
At his point in the game I feel that it does not really matter where the car is assembled. It is where is the company headquarters? If it is an American Co., then it is safe to buy. If it is a foreign Co., then stay away & keep my $$'s in the country.
Even used I avoid the foreign brands.
Only problem I see with that part of your statement is we pay into these programs from the moment we start earning a paycheck. So they are not complete gov't giveaways.
I was informed I might have to run it thru twice to get it ground up properly. So I never invested in one, kept waiting to see what I would come up with when I had the money. Just keep that in mind if it is not as fine as it should be.