Search results

  1. H

    How do you try eliminate stress from your life?

    I always wanted chickens but could not have them in town. So 8 1/2 yrs ago when we moved out here we started thinking about them but dmil's dog killed chickens so I had to hold off until she died, so I had to wait longer for them than any other animal we have gotten so far. But I think it just...
  2. H

    How do you try eliminate stress from your life?

    We started out with just a garden more for hobby & better tasting food than anything else(I started this over 20 yrs ago), then slowly started adding animals other than 4h & FFA projects & it is just a way of life for us now. Although with the inflation of groceries & fuel we are expanding our...
  3. H

    Trying to pass a kidney stone-update

    Of course not everyone reacts the same to things. So dairy may cause you to develop stones where it doesn't most people. I need to schedule my KUB next week to check the status of my stones.
  4. H

    Building An In-The-Ground Food Storage

    I am hoping for a concrete root cellar because of the heat we have here.
  5. H

    Trying to pass a kidney stone-update

    I had one a few yrs ago that had to be surgically removed as it became lodged when it tried to pass on it's own. Now I have been batling small ones since Aug., my urologist has told me to avoid cola's, spinach, chocolate(yeah right!!) & nuts(including PB) to help keep them smaller & to help...
  6. H

    How do you try eliminate stress from your life?

    In otherwords keep living my life like I have been for over 10 yrs.
  7. H

    Same old freezer, new purpose

    Why not if left out in the sun it would really get heated up & help to break it down even faster for you. Great idea!
  8. H

    Has anyone here seen the latest prediction from Gerald Celente??

    I saw him on Glen Beck last week. After I told dh about it he is finally on the band wagon to get things ready "just in case". As to the local wild foods here in the desert we don't have much that grows that is edible. Although some people do eat cactus, but not us. I would use the...
  9. H

    Grain mills...grinders....what do you use?

    Gluten is a sticky substance when it is freshly ground, so I would not recommend using a old coffee grinder for it. I have a wondermill elec grinder now & a back to basics hand grinder that was $50. My antique coffee grinder was $40.
  10. H

    How do you try eliminate stress from your life?

    Prayer & gardening. Pulling weeds is a big stress reliver for me.
  11. H

    I got an elec grinder!!

    Thanks I am looking forward to using them both especially the Zo when I get it.
  12. H

    I got an elec grinder!!

    I finally got an elec grinder Fri., the lady who taught me about grinding had to sell hers to get a new one(her & dd have celiac). So for $175 I have a elec grinder now. It is a wondermill & she even had the booklet with it too!! And next weekend I think I am getting a Zo bread machine...
  13. H

    Song requests

    They sure are.
  14. H

    Home Birth - Graphic Descriptions.

    Or unless you suffer from renal stones! :hit :he
  15. H

    Home Birth - Graphic Descriptions.

    Thanks, I didn't mean to cause tears with it.
  16. H

    Sale on seeds, hurry!

    $.32/ea for mine, Thanks!!!!
  17. H

    Turn Off Your Cell Phones....

    WIC does not supply you with most of those foods, so weather they are WIC approved or not is irrelavent. Dannon makes a all natural yogurt that has no HFCS or artifical colors or flavorings in it. I buy it all the time. All you get from WIC is milk, cheese(if you choose it), 100% juice...
  18. H

    Introducing myself

    WElcome to our little neck in the woods. Have you consider maybe a salad garden in containers? Not a ton of work involved with them. Sorry to hear about your hubby. I understand having your hands full it is hard to garden, I had to let mine go one yr when I was taking care of dmil who was...