You aren't doing anything wrong. That is the gel "they" talk about. For our family, I have kinda changed the recipe. I decrease the water by half and add one part baking soda to the other ingredients. So for my recipe I use a full bar of grated Fels Naptha soap, 1.5 cup each of washing soda...
First impressions are everything!! Bright flowers, clean walk, clutter free. Try this, go the front of your property with pad and pencil. Now, turn around and look at your place as if you had never seen it before. What do you see? Mud dobber nests? Dirty windows? Weedy flowerbeds? Window...
Yeah, I am slowly becoming convinced to try this. My daughter and I went to the fabric store and got some flannel and snaps. I hope to get to it before I need them again. Paula, this is all your fault! ;)
I could not tell by their label that it is raw.
It says this: INGREDIENTS: 100% Expeller Pressed, Refined Coconut Oil.
Are we talking about the same thing?
Vanilla and the citrus EOs are the ones I have found that fade the quickest. I really like Five fold Orange and Black pepper mixed. You smell the orange but it has a nice zip to it which my DH really likes. The orange does not seem to fade in this combination. I also combine the orange and...
I'm feeling rather slow about all this filling capsules stuff. I think I need a visual Do they come collapsed and they expand as you fill with the syringe? Or do you have to remove the air with the syringe first. Do the holes self seal? Do they leak? How much does a box/bottle of gel caps cost...