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    Need help with making ribs

    Well, we made the move a couple of years ago to unprocessed food so there is a ton of cooking going on. Breakfasts are either oatmeal or grits with either sausage or bacon and on the weekends they have cornbread pancakes. We end up making a bunch of substitutions. Lunch and dinner have a meat of...
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    Need help with making ribs

    It's not so bad once the shock wears off. :lau
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    Need help with making ribs

    I didn't even think about rubs. I guess I was only thinking about BBQ sauce. Thanks so much!! Off to plan...
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    Need help with making ribs

    I bought a couple of racks of pork ribs and then found out my kids can't eat tomatoes, vinegar, anything with preservatives, etc (Feingold diet). They are also gluten free, egg free and casien free. Do you have any ideas how I can fix ribs that aren't taste free?
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    wanted kefir or kombucha starter

    Whing, Did you see my post on making your own kombucha scoby? Also, ingot my water kefir cultures from and they grow like gangbusters.
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    Skirt patterns?

    I hear they make great doorstops. See if you can find a good used machine on Craigslist or the like.
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    Make your own kombucha scoby

    Mine jokes about me brewing hooch on the counter. :lol:
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    Skirt patterns?

    That site looks great! Bettacreek, what type of sewing machine do you have?
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    Skirt patterns?

    :pop So...did you find one you like?
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    Make your own kombucha scoby

    Ive seen several folks wish for kombucha scobies and I came across this a few weeks ago. I tried it and it works great!!
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    Brita faucet filter

    If you have iron you might want to get a water softener that will strip some of that out.
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    Goat research

    You will find lots of info here. If it were up to me I'd get La Manchas or mini Manchas. Theyre so ugly they're cute and their personalities are so sweet.
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    Ever wonder what is in your shampoo?

    Why finish up what you have now? If you were taking a medicine that was bad for you, wouldn't you stop it immediately? Use the shampoo on the dog or to clean the car if you are worried about frugality(--aren't we all worried about that though?). Your car will have the most luxurious and glowing...
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    Ever wonder what is in your shampoo?

    Me too. We decided a couple of years ago that if we couldn't eat it there was no reason to put it on our bodies.
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    Ever wonder what is in your shampoo?

    I ran across this interesting article this morning and thought I'd share it with you.
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    I have been using the crystal for the last 3 years and I love it. I have stopped stinking like I did.
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    tactile/kinesthetic learners

    Lori, get ahold of a copy of the book "Disconnected Kids" and give it a read through. Our three kids were on mess for ADHD for years and they were getting worse. We stopped meds and started looking for alternative treatment. The naturopath did some food allergy testing for delayed food...
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    home made pads

    I wouldn't go back to sposies if I were paid. I made some lovely cloth ones and the comfort factor just can't compare. They are really easy to make.