"Can't wait" to see the new research on bees and the cause of colony collapse disorder.... :th
What about Bob? :lau
My Dad's friend worked at a green bean packing plant. As a joke one of the guys brought in a green garden snake and turned it loose in the beans. It was a long time before Dad's friend could bring himself to eat canned beans.
You can start your seeds in pots like the ones I described above. If you want something larger, experiment with a bigger size form and more layers of paper.
Welcome Cricket!!
You can make some really cheap pots out of newspaper. Take a page and cut it into 4 fat quarters. Using a plastic bottle with straight sides or an inch and a half thick piece of dowel. Begin to roll the newspaper around the bottle or dowel. You should be able to roll it...
Grafting tomatoes can be done by anyone with the patience to do it. The reason you would graft is to use wild or disease resistant varieties for root stock so the desired variety has more vigorous growth. Dont know if that came out right .... I have seen this done and it is way simple.
Most of my customers pay $5 a dozen, but the ones at DH work pay $6 delivered weekly. Feed is over $20 for a 50 pound bag. For the past 2 months the girls have really been sand bagging. Now they are finally pulling their weight.
A dimmer switch is not a good option as you will be needing to constantly adjust it. I bought a wafer thermostat for around 20 bucks and it works great. I made an incubator a couple of years ago with the kids as a homeschool project. So, your biggest expense would probably be a good...
To reaseason you pans, wipe a thin layer of animal fat (lard, tallow, bacon grease) on all surfaces and place upside down in the oven on the upper rack. On the lower rack, spread a layer of foil to catch any drips. Turn the oven on to 400 and bake for 1 hour. Do not remove the pan. Allow it...
Also call animal control if you have such in your area. Then, don't be satisfied with one call. Call every time something happens and document it.
If your yard is unfenced it makes it really difficult for you to prove that your dogs stay in your yard or that hers don't stay in her yard.
I am constantly reminding myself that what goes on in their heart is more important than what can be stuffed in their head. We end up schooling around other things a lot of the time...appointments, animal care, travel, babysitting, bad weather events, etc. While there are academic goals, it is...
Don't know about doing that, but I will tell you that freezing eggs in the shell works quite well. I have always heard that the way to freeze eggs was to scramble them and freeze them in ice cube trays. That was always more work than I wanted to do. Then, this winter we had a long spell of...