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  1. M

    Who among you has defended the United States in Uniform?

    My dh is a Marine and served our country during Desert Storm.
  2. M

    What are you DEHYDRATING today?

    I'm dehydrating beef jerky using my new jerky gun kit for the first time using the Excaliber..wish me luck!
  3. M

    SIMPLE White Sandwich Bread

    Miss The North....Thank You..Thank You..Thank You for your bread recipe!!!!!:D My family loves it.
  4. M

    Hello from New York.

    Im so happy to have found such a useful,informative friendly forum. I'm a very frugal person and I'm alway's looking to learn something new. I'm a sahm to 3 teenage boy's. I like to bake/cook from scratch.I love to garden & recently planted a fruit orchard along with some berry bushes. I have 7...
  5. M

    My first attempt at making my own bread :(

    I'm curious you mention that you bake the bread for only 15 minutes?