I love the tell the people at my work what a pleasure I get out of my life, my home, my family, my chickens....I bring the eggs to share and sell...and they often tease me and wonder where I find the time, or how I do it. Let them. They can have their Tupperware and Pampered Chef parties. I...
Good Morning - that was beautiful, thank you for sharing! We have lovely views like that, living on the top of a ridge at 1500 ft elevation, we get full sunrise and full sunsets, and we look across at a mountain town, down at the valley floor for miles....so lovely....it's breathtaking...
But I...
Yes, busy! Thank you for asking :) I'm on here nearly every day :)
I read everyones journals, I'm amazed at how productive you all are! I go through spells where I can think of replies, and I type them out, and times I just read! I just respond in my thoughts!
I got the prettiest...
I love your ferret information - the pointers are so helpful, and I totally agree with your practice of rescue over pet store purchases, to discourage indiscriminate pet ownership, etc....Even here there are abandoned ferrets needing homes, but they are not available in shelters. They find...
:D Thanks! I woke up again :D I am thankful :D
I am at work, I have a job, I can get on the internet at my job! I am thankful :D
They are going to feed us a "feast" today, Turkey, potatoes, the works today!!
I am thankful! :D
Yesterday, the Lincoln broke down, but Frankie fixed it at...
I am thankful for what I have - every single day :)
Every day I wake up - I am thankful I am alive - I have faced the fear of not being here, my own mortality, whether it be health issues such as surviving a brain tumor, or instant decisions to make in the face of danger when out with law...
Happy Happy Birthday! Great pictures too!
I have to try the rice box! Salty needs extra skin care as one of his previous owners let him freeze so badly his fur came off, it grew back before we got him (3rd owners)...but it is thin and fragile....and I hate to wash him too much...
Love your...
Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday!
I have enjoyed reading all of your Journals - I can only cruise through the posts at work for a while, so I cant always respond to them! Everyone is so industrious, I feel trapped here at work!
This weekend was productive in the house for us, as far...
Oh my gosh, they are Absolutely beautiful! Funny, they seriously resemble the fat rats at my house? Great pics!
I have Chicken News too! My younger Cuckoo Marans are starting to lay now, the chicks that I got last year have FINALLY started laying! They arent freeloaders anymore:D I...
which hanger did work best? You tried several, I see. I have blown eggs alot of times, and I've seen alot of art work on eggs. I've never made the hangers for them though? Thats neat!
Great job!
I live 14 miles from any town. Our community gate and access to the Highway is 4.5 miles from my house. Our dumpsters are up there also. We have to go up there just to take our trash away from our home, and it is extremely steep and windy.
We work and the children go to school in town. Once...
Now I've had everything :o
:barnie Cyber flu, Cyber crud, Cyber lice and mites from BYC, QA brings us ringworm, and now Cyber Shingles!!
I'm gonna have a cup of Cyber chicken broth and see if I feel better?
Hittin the spot!! :weee
Hope you feel better soon...
I love your post about going out to sit with the chickens at night! Thats what I do too! I go outside with my big canvas jacket, flannel nightie, floppy mud boots, long stringy hair flying around...and my husband can see the whole mess on the cameras in the house! I forget they're there...
Right, you had to go here, didnt you??
For some reason people used to call me Imelda - some lady in history - Imelda Marcos or something - she was shoe fanatic I guess -
I dont have as many as that!!! I dont go around counting my shoes though! Or my slippers! Who wants to? I just like...
You are very industrious, keeping up with your studies and the farm/pet/outdoor interests also! I'll bet it all keeps you on the go?
I like your plans for the future, about children. I have one son on my own, but there really are alot of children already born needing homes - I have...
Good luck on the sale,
Glad your Holiday meal was so tasty! It sounds so yummy, and perfect timing too, thats tough!
The only traditional part I made, and actually Frankie did it, was the Turkey, and he deep fried it! No pumpkin pie here either!! No one brought anything!! Oh, but no one...