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  1. tfpets


    My chickens have weathered frequent freezing temps together in tarp covered kennels, BY CHOICE..I've tried to get them to stay in the wooden coop building, but they insist on going out in the covered kennel/coop on their outdoor roosts. They have nicely feathered bodies, and roost together out...
  2. tfpets


    Oh my goodness, that is a sweet looking baby! I wish we could hold em on the internet...just one sniff even! Thanks for the pic...I guess a photo baby fix will have to do! Tina/tfpets Congrats!
  3. tfpets

    Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

    Crust gets better with salt, I promise you!! Try try again! If there is any confusion, I probably caused it.....I have a memory like swiss cheese, with huge holes in it...I forget what I was talking about a lot! Letterboxing is very similar to Geocaching! Here in California, some caches are...
  4. tfpets

    What did you do to save $ today?

    I used to do this when I lived on the streets of San Diego years ago....embarrassed to admit it now, cause I mostly did it for the money for smokes and a little food. I also used to eat at the Hare Krishna temple, and places like that...I didnt know they still paid for plasma...I've donated in...
  5. tfpets


    Great job on the crust! It works with or without the salt, but it's gonna be even more mmmmm with!! Glasses arent that bad! I've worn them since I was 14 yrs old, and get new ones almost every eyesight is actually improving as I get older in some respects.... I totally support you...
  6. tfpets

    Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

    I hope the results are good...poor baby...hang in there, I am sure you are doing everything you can.... Tina
  7. tfpets


  8. tfpets

    Names with Faces - Post your picture here!

    What a beautiful family! Yeah, a long way to go, but we gotta start somewhere! Looking forward to knowing more about your efforts for self sufficiency in West Japan! Tina
  9. tfpets

    Economy & Personal Safety

    Yes, it is a persons choice to give generously to those who ask for a hand out or not, to trust those who walk up to them and ask for something, or not....There are alot of folks out there who just consider begging their way of earning a living. There are also alot of really bad people out...
  10. tfpets

    ~Tfpets~The Journey Back to Simplicity~Tina

    Yes, I like them too!. And any Sci Fi, even the more bizarre! I used to read alot, not much any more, but even loved the old school sci fi books... I read all of Anne McCaffrey's stuff, including her Crystal Line, the Rowan, Pegasus, etc...she has tons of short stories too... Tina
  11. tfpets

    What did you do to save $ today?

    THAT is frugal! I think I spend money in my sleep, in fact, I know I do...its an issue....thats another thing I have to work issues! Tina
  12. tfpets

    Problem with our neighbors and the location of their deer stand...

    Yes, please keep your goats in until you call the game warden, it does sound like a threat to them, poor dears. Beligerant neighbors are disgusting. Tina
  13. tfpets

    I got a lead on a job! ~DH's job Saga Continues...

    :D Whoo Hooo! Good News! Maybe its a good sign, the prospects coming in together! Hope things work out well! Take care, Tina
  14. tfpets

    What did you do to save $ today?

    I ate leftover chicken from last night instead of eating at a taco truck when I go to town in a little while! Going to go to town to run errands, pay some bills, and pay for After School Care for the Littles (Cost: $700 to $1000 depending on the month. Something to consider when I'm looking...
  15. tfpets

    PotterWatch's Burrow

    You will have a hard time convincing the goats they do not belong in the house, especially if they see the dogs in there, or coming and going. My precious pet, who is no longer with us, earned his name "Dawg"....he really believed he was a dog....he rode on the four wheeler when he was young...
  16. tfpets

    It was actually a pleasure to get gas...

    Holy Mackeral!! That is a savings! I hope you needed a lot of gas! Those were the days! Tina/tfpets
  17. tfpets

    ~Tfpets~The Journey Back to Simplicity~Tina

    #24-What make model? Make and Model of Motorcycles? Frankie has a Yamaha Midnight Maxim - Its a road terror, old restored crotch rocket mostly for him, but I get on with him.....I like to go'll probably be the death of me..... We have a Yamaha 185 dirt bike, a Honda XR75 dirt bike, I...
  18. tfpets

    It was actually a pleasure to get gas...

    :ya Wow!! I havent seen that yet!!! Congratulations. I paid $2.38 a gallon here, and was pleased with that, filling up our Dodge Ram 1500, I had it in town to get straw for the pet area!! I do have an economy car, but I drive too fast to save as much as I could, and it has a few after...
  19. tfpets

    Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

    Thats the way! Out with the old and in with the new. My boys room is so tragically out of control right now, Christmas is CANCELLED until further notice! Great idea on the sale! Too bad I live in the boonies, in a locked/private community and cant let people in?? I have to take my stuff to...
  20. tfpets

    GeorgieGirls Outrageously Boring Life...

    I feel your pain, I'm afraid to take time off of work, it's twice as much work to come back to! I have 295 hours of vacation saved up, it would take me six months to catch up if I took it! Good luck on settling back in! Double up on the coffee, we have a Dutch Brothers here that has one called...