I just cut up my second batch of soap. I decided to do my second batch in 100 percent lard, like the first one because despite the information conveyed by the lye calculator about 100% lard being Low in the "cleansing" and "bubbly" scales, I find it to be quite cleansing and quite bubbly, makes...
Because I can.
There are several other reasons I do it but no more justification is required for doing just one more thing that makes you self sufficient, especially on a forum dedicated to self sufficiency. Kind of like joining a hunters forum and asking why do you shoot your own food or...
Blistex - for chapped lips.
A "thank you" note, to remind me to say thank you for the day, for the little aches and pains that remind me that I'm alive, for the water I'm about to drink, etc.
I don't get headaches and I don't get sick so I don't need anything else in it.
Very neat idea, I've been wondering about using vinegar to rinse with and now that I'm making my own soap, I think I may start using it just in case the soap is a bit strong and to help neutralize it. I bought some vinegar today but I've gone so long without laundry softening 'stuff' that I...
I did a load of laundry with this soap tonight and I think it did OK, even though it is not 100% cured yet, only been 24 hours but it still worked well and smells nice, not like fat. I received the Gamma seal lids for my bucket washing machine today so I wanted to try it out too. I basically...
I'm quite pleased with the way it turned out, despite my apprehensions about the swirl.
My boss asked me what I used and when I told him lard, he asked how much I paid, then he told me he gets pork fat for free from the butcher, when he needs it for sausage. I might have to look into...
I forgot to say that I put Tea Tree and Tangerine essential oils in for fragrance, 100ml and 15ml respectively, it smells pretty good.
The mold measured to be 13 liters and it was FULL; in the photo, it shows the side that was higher, the other side only had barely a 1/4" before overflow...
It was a bit of work. I started warming up the oil in the hot water at around 6:00, I'm not sure what time I added the lye to the oil but I think it was around 8:00 or 8:30 and I poured into the mold at 10:00.
I strained the lye because I saw somebody do it in a video, the liquid was clear but...
Well, I finally did it, I made my first batch of soap today.
I thought I'd get my feet wet with a simple, single oil laundry soap to start out with before I get into making shower/shampoo/shaving stuff. Going by all the articles I've read and videos I've watched, everything went as it should...
Thanks for the advice. I have some stainless #270 mesh that I will be straining the lye water with before adding to the oil and will be superfatting by 5% for the shower bars but probably not for the laundry bars.
For large loads there's a pretty slick idea using a 45 gallon barrel. Drill a hole big enough for a 1" pipe through the top and bottom, cut a hatch in the side for access to inside, build a couple of A frames to rest the 1" pipe on after it is slid through barrel, screw a couple of pieces of...
I've been hand washing for almost a year and I just invented this on the past weekend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BuqvJEVNqU I love it, and it was just in time too, had a pile of jeans and towels that I hate washing by hand. I even did a winter coat and heavy fleece pullover in one...
I almost made a big mistake. My bag of lye arrived yesterday so I was all excited and gung ho to make a batch of soap last night with what I had, olive, canola and sunflower oils but I plugged them into the lye calculator and noticed that there is zero cleansing and too much...
Before the mods delete this, it is simply interesting pictures of cabins.
Beware, a lot of the pictures are large and the pages take some time to load, well, on my connection anyway.
I've been wanting to make soap for so long it isn't funny. This week I finally took the plunge and ordered supplies... Guess what everybody's getting for xmas this year. :) I've been using this soap/lye calculator to fine tune my first recipe to the characteristics I want ...
Being able to burn plastics would be great. We literally have an unending supply and we take literally a ton, at least, to the dump every month. I know the concept is there but being able to do it cleanly enough to not have annoying exhaust and excessive crud buildup would be the major issues...
Does anybody know if a waste/used oil drip can be added to this to burn old motor oil or fryer oil as a supplement to the wood once the chamber gets good and hot? Or has anyone built one to specifically burn oil? This is a video of my modified babington burner that doesn't drip excessive oil...