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  1. N

    War with Russia?

    Is anyone else unnerved by the Bush-Clinton-Obama meeting in South Africa? Then the new laws that have been passed concerning martial law, the approve of several more we love Monsanto bills and the Obama people winning the fight to still allow drone attacks on Americans without trail? Me...
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    Why can't she sit still?

    Glad to know shes not the only one.
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    Why can't she sit still?

    Hi everyone. Sorry I didn't respond sooner. We have been busy. My little busy bee is well a huge busy bee. I get frustrated with her so much because I see my kids in her class (I am the kid's church director for 2-12 year old) being able to sit still and not wiggle. Even a few of the younger...
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    Designing a homeschool room

    I am wanting to turn my sun room into homeschool room plus redo the play area so I can change it each month to a different theme with dress clothes. I was thinking a art/science center (keep the mess in one spot) library nook, desks, chalkboard. Any ideas or thoughts on how to do it? There...
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    Why can't she sit still?

    I am going nuts with my oldest daughter. She is 3. She can't sit still is always wiggling and when you are reading bounces the whole time and talks. :he I think her dad may have been the energizer rabbit. Already this morning we had a 45 min walk and she still couldn't sit down for me to...
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    A store is wanting to buy chickens from me! Now what?

    Well I never got a chance to get it off the ground. We lost the flock to gnats. I really want to do this though so I may try again next year.
  7. N

    HELP!!!!! My chickens are dropping dead!

    It was the gnats. We lost 20 birds yesterday. The rest are in my basement. Which meant my last rooster was very loud at 2 am. I feel awful. I cleaned the coop and sprayed them all down with my homemade bug spray. Just sucks.
  8. N

    HELP!!!!! My chickens are dropping dead!

    My chickens are dropping died over half the flock is died in the last 12 hrs. What the hell is going on? This is ten birds that were fine this morning and now died. They have no marks on them nothing. I have no idea what to do or if the rest are going to drop they seem fine. It's not...
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    Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group

    Wannabefree I am sending you a PM
  10. N

    Raising meal worms as feed supplement

    I am thinking of going off all store bought feed for the chickens. Between mealies and fodder I was hoping it would be enough. I am now concerned about the calcium ratio. If I just ground up the shells would that be enough to balance them out?
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    A store is wanting to buy chickens from me! Now what?

    Where do I look? Also my mom lives on the Illinois side so they could possible live a week or so there if needed at the end.
  12. N

    A store is wanting to buy chickens from me! Now what?

    So I was calling around trying to find a cow to eat and got to talking about chickens. The store owner said she wants to order pastured chickens from me! She can't have them in her store but she would take preorders for me if i delivered them to the store. The big problem is I'm in Iowa...
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    Mason Bees

  14. N

    What else should I get?

    Will do. Thanks!
  15. N

    Mason Bees

    Where would you get them from?
  16. N

    What else should I get?

    Your making me hungry!:lol: Do you have pictures of the whole garden? How big was it? Any idea how many pounds you got out of it?
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    What else should I get?

  18. N

    What else should I get?

    Please share some pictures! How many plants do you tend in a year. And what do you do with all of them? :bow You are the Tomato Queen!
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    What else should I get?

    I love hearing about everyone's favorite. Please keep sharing.