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  1. N

    Shortage of Bragg's Vinegar?

  2. N

    What else should I get?

    Do they need the light? I was hoping I could just put them in the sun room with the space heater on. I'm guessing this is how I killed the rest of them.:hide
  3. N

    Please critique this!

    I will be storing them in my basement that has high humidity. So I'm thinking I will need the OA. Is it good to buy in bulk? Any good places online to buy cans and supplies?
  4. N

    Shortage of Bragg's Vinegar?

  5. N

    Please critique this!

    DO I need anything other then jars for storing dried stuff long term? Or should I get a vacuum sealer and oxygen absorbers?
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    Please critique this!

    They are on my list for this year!
  7. N

    What else should I get?

    :weee You mean it can really be possible?! Please!! moolie Yes between my mom, friend and I we should have all bases covered. Here's a couple more questions if no one minds. I am ordering from Baker's Creek What paste type tomatoes should I get (and one for salsa...
  8. N

    So what do I need to do to be self sufficient in 2014?

    They are my inlaws we share two houses on 5 acres. Not sure if we will be looking to buy in the future or swapping houses as they get older. I just got angora rabbits, seeds will be order on Thursday and chicks come end of month!!
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    I am hoping it's okay to ask this here. I am needing to buy a pressure canner/cooker. Any good ones that won't cost me my first kid?
  10. N

    Please critique this!

    Well my thought was I won't eat over half of what's on that list but I need a list of what to buy in bulk. It just seemed handy that oh this paycheck buy this. I was looking at the thrive food but it's so expense. I am working on my gardening skills and going to start canning this year. I...
  11. N

    What else should I get?

    I really don't eat them just use them for things sauces and stuff. I'll be buying what I need as plants. I've tried to grow them and they just dye. It's a big family joke now.:rolleyes:
  12. N

    What else should I get?

    The root crops will be at my friends house. We have brick clay here so there a no go.:( I promised my two yr old carrots though somehow. I forgot them! Hoping over to the Baker Creek site to order now.
  13. N

    Please critique this! I am looking for step by step guide lines for getting a years worth stock pile. I found this. Thoughts?
  14. N

    What else should I get?

    Is this good for a basic garden? Veggies- Boston Pickling Cucumber Moon and Stars Orange Giant Amaranth Dragon Tongue Bush Bean Purple Podded Pole Bean ChinseRed Noodle Bean Painted Lady runner bean Strawberry Popcorn Lemon Cuke Cucumber Strawberry Spinach Flax European Mesclun Mix Southport...
  15. N

    The best price I've found on CORNISH CROSS

    Yup the EES and the RIR tend to be the sweetest.
  16. N

    The best price I've found on CORNISH CROSS

    That was my thought. I don't like the sex link layers. The ones we've had were always nasty tempered.
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    The best price I've found on CORNISH CROSS

    Hmmm I wish I could figure out why I never get emails that people have replied. I hit the subscribe button. :/
  18. N

    The best price I've found on CORNISH CROSS They also will let you get turkeys with your chick order! Has anyone tried raising the red sex links for meat? Their only 65 cents. I'm going to get my layers through cackle and the meaties here. I may grab a couple wyandottes for the...
  19. N

    Quick chicken question (new question added)

    Well a friend of my is getting the RIW I wouldn't pick them because well I want eye candy for a change in the yard but their her birds. So it's now between the salmons,wyandottes and the speckles for me. I'm trying to only pick two.