Search results

  1. N

    Herbal Pain Relief

    I was wondering if the OP had tried anything and what the results were? I am looking for natural things for a friend with nasty fribo. I will add this bath to the mix. Warm water with epsom salts, green tea and lavender essential oil. Once the water is greenish get in and enjoy. I do...
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    Raising Pigs To Munch On

    It may be helpful if those who have pigs could share your favorite piggy books. The ones that helped you when you were starting out.
  3. N

    AHHHH! Why can't I make yogurt?

    Thanks not sure how I missed that.
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    SufficientSelf's Chicken Thread!!!

    Would you guys be willing to help me? I am needing to convince my in-laws to let me have chickens. I am wanting to get meat and layers. I am needing facts on health benefits etc.. I raised chickens for years so I know my stuff. I just need to put things in very very laymen terms. I'm...
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    tick keep away

    That would be wonderful!
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    AHHHH! Why can't I make yogurt?

    Im going to try again soon. What is the shortest amount of time it has to sit out? And do I have to heat up the milk?
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    tick keep away

    No chickens or anything for me, :hit
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    AHHHH! Why can't I make yogurt?

    Oh how I wish that would work for me. For the too sour a cup of honey and a quart of strawberries and still no one would touch it. The cheesecloth it's so runny it goes right through. Heres what i have tried:
  9. N

    AHHHH! Why can't I make yogurt?

    I have tried two different ways and no luck. They are so runny or sour we cant eat it. The one I tried today smells of burned milk. I'm wasting money. This is not making me happy. :he This is my fourth try. Could someone please help me?
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    tick keep away

    Does anyone have a tick keep away secret? My poor two year old had three in her hair yesterday. I do not want to have to use harsh chemicals on her.
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    spinning wool :)

    I highly suggest learning to spin with wool first. Alpaca can be very slick. Just get some practice wool learn then make some beautiful yarn. When i was having a hard time with a mohair/wool blend I ran it through the carder again. That really helps. If you can I would send the fiber to a...
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    General meds and antibiotics?

    What would be your favorite books on herbs? I would love to learn this stuff.
  13. N

    spinning wool :)

    I spin with drop spindles. I have some BL wool on my top whirl now. I can't do it for too long or my back starts to hurt. I am trying to find a spinning wheel to rent and see if I like it.
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    Really Really bad neighbor problem help please!!

    Thank you everyone. We live on a dead end gravel road in the country. So not only does my neighbor walk her dogs off leash but so do random people from in town. My landlord has seen a fight between the dogs. They can not tell between playing and fighting. But anyhow they did finally talk...
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    Really Really bad neighbor problem help please!!

    Here's the deal. We rent and the agreement the landlord has with the neighbor is causing huge problems for me. The agreement is that the neighbors dogs can be on our property at any time. So everyday these dogs are in my yard. Now this has work for years because the LL's dog played with...
  16. N

    How many acres is enough?

    Thanks for the replys. Sorry it took me so long to get back. We are looking at 5 to 20 acres on the Iowa/Illinois border. Iowa side. For some reason I forgot to add dog boarding/training to the list. I talked to the local extension office and they said berries are the way to go. I'm...
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    How many acres is enough?

    We are planing in five years to buy some land. We will be out of debt and ready to go. I am trying to figure out how much land to look for. I am planing on the land for the SS lifestyle and to make a little money. I narrowed down what my key money makers are to poultry and berries...
  18. N

    So I get some spending money!!! Help me pick.

    My DH has said that I can have half of our rebate check come tax time. He has a new shotgun in mind. We want to start hunting but need the gun first. He really wants me to get my fish tank I've been wanting for years. I just can't though. I feel that as long as we have debt it's a silly...
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    Help me fill my kitchen please!

    Hello! I have found myself in an odd place. I have 2 refrigerators, a small freezer, root cellar and pantry. But they are um mostly empty. I don't really know what staples I should have. I have just starting cooking from scratch. Also I had my first garden this year. My DH is looking...
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    Cold season is back

    Thanks! I'm taking DHA is that the same?