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  1. N

    Cold season is back

    Whats clo mean? I hope you fee lbetter soon.
  2. N

    Cold season is back

    You guys are awesome!! I have some of that zycam stuff. Gonna take another one shortly. I'm going to brave tonight with no drugs and a hot wash cloth on my face. I normally stay away from all meds but my 18 month DD needs her mom. If she could hang out else were i wouldn't take it. I have...
  3. N

    Cold season is back

    I just ate some salsa plain. Helped me breath a little better. I have a fever & horrible sinus pressure. My teeth hurt its so bad. Gonna go get some hot tea with honey and lemon. What to do for fever? Normally I would let it be but it's making my skin hurt. I took my vitamins so that...
  4. N

    Cold season is back

    So it's cold and flu season again. What are your proven cures? I have a nasty cold and would like to not live on dayquill anymore.
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    I am working on a sweater. Just tried it on of course its to small. Gonna have to hit the gym a few extra times.
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    How to start with a baby?

    So I have to say my little lady is way to much fun!! I am so glad I planted bush beans. She gets so excited when she knows we are heading to the garden. She has a basket and all by herself will run out and fill it with beans. I tried to get her to pull weeds. She watch me then looked at...
  7. N


    Neko-chan- They look okay to me. I would make sure you are using stitch markers for each round. They really help. Also if there are reviews I would read them. If people are having problems they help each other. I was really bad at making the the first couple. Its takes a bit to get it...
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    That is called a Stockinette Stitch . It will give you a flat fabric. It is used for all most everything in knitting. It gives you the right side all knit stitches and the wrong side all purls. If you want to rib you need to have it like this KKKK PPPP KKKK PPPP. If you do KPKPKP...
  9. N


    Go to I buy lots of patterns from her.
  10. N

    wishing the pounds away

    So i have been going to the gym once sometimes twice a day. I've been watching what i eat. Yet i have not lost a pound since may. Im annoyed. I dont have much to lose only twenty pounds. I gonna turn the other ten into muscle. I have been toning up nicely but no weight gone. What's the...
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    There are small knitted or crochet stuffed toys. Ami is short for amigurumi.
  12. N


    Ill have to look them up. I would like to do color work with knitting as well. The yarn shop i hang out at does classes but they are pricy. Im crocheting amis right now. Way to much fun.
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    I crochet like crazy. I can kinda sew and am learning to use a drop spindle. I hate knitting but im going force myself to do it. Crochet socks are not near as nice as knit ones.
  14. N

    career advice needed

    gd- yup im squeaky clean. saving dogs- I respect your opinion. Thank you for your advice earlier.
  15. N

    career advice needed

    I am more wanting to get into training working dogs. I am bringing the service dog group i work with to the town i just moved too. A guy I use to work for is getting into breeding GSD's for police work. Im going to be calling him see i can work with them. I'm going to be offering classes...
  16. N

    career advice needed

    I am thinking of opening a dog training center. It would not be for several years however. I am wanting to build my name up and train under more people before i go out on my own. What do you look for when you look for a trainer? I am thinking of going through the animal behavior college...
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    That would be very interesting! Let us know if you do it.
  18. N

    dog protection question

    You have a wonderful dog. You never know what they will do when it counts. Since he is a therapy dog do not try and change his temperament. A dog trained for protection has no business doing therapy work. They are two very different animals. Also your friends pitty is not a good example...
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    Making your raw milk lactose free

    Hmm I've been lactose intolerant since i was born. I've never heard you can just heal your gut. I can't have anything made with cows milk. We call it the drink of death. It runs in our family for generations. What studies have been done that say that? I am game to try anything. I...
  20. N

    does anyone colony raise their rabbits?

    I had an idea of how to do this at our old house. We had a large cement pad and old dog kennel panels. I was going to set up the panels on the pad. Get some wood boards to put on the inside of the kennel walls. Then pour in some cheap dirt and grass seed. Once the seed was grass toss in...