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  1. G

    Can Someone Please Cheer Me Up?

    DH and are are negotiating a piece of forclosed property right now. The bank was asking $399.000. We offered $100,000. They countered with $230,000. Waiting on word from another bank to see what our top offer can be before we counter. Its 60 acres with a pond. We want this so bad im about to pee...
  2. G

    preventing freezer burn

    My freezer is just the top part of my fridge, so its pretty small. Im hoping for a chest freezer for Christmas or in the near future. I dont keep a lot of ready meals in it, but maybe 3 or 4 medium sized one, enough for 1 meal for 3 adults. I will try the water on top trick, sounds like that...
  3. G

    preventing freezer burn

    So i like to make big batches of stuff in my crock pot. I like to stick a tupper ware thing full in the freezer to eat when I dont have anything else to make. Trouble is, it gets freezer burn on it fairly quickly. How do you prevent freezer burn?
  4. G

    I can't get peanut butter

    Hubby just came in and said " Did you hear about peanut butter?" I laughed and told him to check the pantry. He came back and told me it looked like I had it covered! :cool:
  5. G

    septic system or ???

    The only way we can use the hydrant system is to allow the FD a 20 foot easement anywhere they need. Since we hope to be able to one day fence the whole property in, that wont work, they would no longer have access to them. Plus we want our privacy. We thought about a trailer. That may be what...
  6. G

    septic system or ???

    Right now it doesnt have any water. Well, it does, it was planned to be a 60 acre subdivision so it actually has about a dozen fire hydrants. :/ But they will basically be unusable, as will the piping for them. The fire dept will cap the line at the street. Of course, like mentioned, it all...
  7. G

    septic system or ???

    So hubby and I are looking at 60 acres. If we manage to swing this, funds will be tight for a few years. Our plans are looking something like this. buy land, build a tiny house in a front corner. In a few years, we will be able to afford to build our bigger, dream home over looking the pond. We...
  8. G

    The Pagan Circle

    Lol, I nursed DD till she was nearly 18 months, DS self weaned a little after a year. No drugs with neither. DD came flying out in 6 hours, DS in about 3. I do not mess around when I give birth!
  9. G

    The Pagan Circle

    I have totally enjoyed reading all this. I was raised as a southern Baptist. (forced more like it) All my life i was told witches worshipped the devil, mediums were possessed, and things like crystals and cards were tools of the devil. Thankfully as I grew older, I was able to research these...
  10. G

    Boyd - Day in the life of a hillbilly stuck in Michigan..

    Boyd, I love the color of your dirt! We have red mud... Its takes years to achieve a nice dirt color. I am very optimistic that the bank will take our puny offer on some forclosed 60 acres with a pond. Like you, Im worried what the next year will hold for us. Now I need to look into the tatoes...
  11. G

    antique butter churns

    Well, he was asking $75 for the Dazey. He says it in good shape, no cracks or chips in the glass. Told him that was out of my price range and then he said he would take $60 for it. E bay has the one he has for about $40 and up. Its their #4 football style. Im thinking I might atleast go see it...
  12. G

    antique butter churns

    My local craigslist has a few antique butter churns listed, 1 wooden barrel type and 3 glass jar types. Im waiting for a response, but I figure they are out of my price range. My big question is, they look in good condition so Im assuming they are usable. Which type would you prefer, glass or...
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    I put chicken and stock in the crock pot, thought I would just make chicken. Ended up with mushrooms, onions, turnips,and quinoa to soak up some of the stock. looks gross but its tasting pretty good!
  14. G

    panning for gold ?

    Yea, not planing on making the big bucks. But I love the mountains and river this time of year and can probably spend hours sitting there on the rocks watching nature and enjoying the fall. Figured I could take my pan and swirl for awhile.
  15. G

    Wild Blackberry Plants

    Sending you a pm!
  16. G

    panning for gold ?

    I live in North Ga, about 30 minutes from Dahlonega. Back in the early days, they had a goldrush there so I know there is gold in "them thar mountains". I thought it would be fun to pan for some, but have no clue in which area of the river to try. In a bend is what Ive heard, on the far side of...
  17. G

    wanted kefir or kombucha starter

    Thank you so much! :)
  18. G

    wanted kefir or kombucha starter

    I would like to try either kefir or kombucha. Ive heard such good things about both I cant decide which one I want. So if anyone has either, give me a holler.
  19. G

    Powder Homemade Laundry Soap

    Is dry detergent ok for a septic system? I read somewhere that it can clog it up...
  20. G

    cast iron dutch oven, which kind?

    Im an estate sale stalker. I find all my cast iron and a lot of my SHTF stuff at them.