Search results

  1. G

    cast iron dutch oven, which kind?

    I want a cast iron dutch oven. Not really a need, just a want at this point. Who knows, I will probably need at when TSHTF. So I see them with and with out little legs. Which one would be the most versitile? I dont know where or how I would use it, wether its over a campfire or stovetop.
  2. G

    How do you shop?

    Im a poker, sniffer and reader. i read the labels, unit prices and stand there forever looking for the best deal on what I want. I check the caps on the milk to make sure someone hasnt broken the seal and squeeze chip bags to make sure no air leaks out to indicate a hole. I make sure the...
  3. G

    How clean for old cast iron?

    Im thinking I may go ahead and lard it up and put it in the oven. Its pretty smooth in most places, I can just still see some rust here and there. It was pretty bad when I got it.
  4. G

    How clean for old cast iron?

    I just got 2 cast iron skillets today at an estate sale. Both very heavily covered in rust and crud. Ive got one pretty clean but the other still has some light rust in places, no matter how long I scrub. Should I go ahead and season it? I dont have a self cleaning oven and we are under a burn...
  5. G

    recommendations on a hand crank flashlight

    Lol, its really my Blackberry but so many people call it a crackberry now a days. Im broke so bad right now it may be a few weeks before i can get around to ordering one, but it sounds nice.
  6. G

    recommendations on a hand crank flashlight

    Well, after much research, Im gonna order a Lightstorm CL1. Its LED, no batteries, stores energy using a capacitor, is water resistant, and will charge my Crackberry, lol. They run about $25. When I finally get around to ordering it, I'll let you all know how it is.
  7. G

    recommendations on a hand crank flashlight

    I really like the lantern!
  8. G

    recommendations on a hand crank flashlight

    I need recommendations on a good, preferably LED crank flashlight. Radio would also be a plus, but longest lasting light and brightness are my main concern.
  9. G

    any recipes for possums?

    I agree totally about not really wanting to eat it. It almost sounds like it wouldnt even be worth messing with. I really dont think I would want to waste precious scraps to detox the little varmit. Seems like a lot of fuss for a one meal meat dinner. But, just thought I might want to print out...
  10. G

    any recipes for possums?

    Thanks everyone. If the SHTF I would hate to see a possible source of meat go to waste.
  11. G

    any recipes for possums?

    Ok, as gross as it sounds Im serious. Lately we have been trapping several young possums trying to get our chickens. I got to thinking, when the SHTF, would we eat a possum? I was trying to find a descent recipe on line, but most sites act like it just a big redneck joke. Has anybody eaten a...
  12. G

    How much for a family of 4?

    I am wondering if somewhere there is a chart or something that tells me about how much stuff I need for a family of 4 for a year. Things from food, TP and and other supplies for when the SHTF.
  13. G

    Stocking Up, Putting Back, Prepping = Paranoia?

    I have just started our SHTF prepardness. I finally got the ok from hubby to purchase some #10 cans of FD fruits and veggies. I have many bags of rice and beans, and bought some Ramen noodles that were on sale recently. Im looking at more coupons and sale items at the store and stocking up...
  14. G

    water storage tote question

    I have the chance to purchase a 200 and some odd gallon plastic water tote with the metal cage around it. I was wanting to be able to store water for my garden and possibly to water my animals or even us if we had to. The guy said it had latex resin in it and it is non-toxic. I havent found...
  15. G

    how long?

    How long will dried beans and rice last in their original bags, placed in buckets with lids? Im only able to buy a bag here and there, in small quantities and not bulk. Also, will oil stay better in their plastic containers or the box kind?
  16. G

    planting vines/plants for bees

    Not much snow here. Last year we had a lot and that was about 12 inches total. How would wild muscudines work? Or some other grapes? Not sure if Ive ever seen grapes bloom but they would have to right? Then we could feed the bees and us! Something functional and pretty. Im really getting...
  17. G

    pressure cooker/canner question

    Looks like I need the canner then! I had no idea you could can meat. Doesnt it turn out smooshie?
  18. G

    planting vines/plants for bees

    We are searching for some land to build our little farm. I want to get into raising bees. Maybe 1 or 2 hives. One tract of land we looked at had tons of wild wysteria growing all over. It got me thinking. What kind of vines or plants would make bees happy? I plan on planting a garden and fruit...
  19. G

    hi from north Ga!!

    DH and I are looking into buying several acres. We already have chickens and a small herd of Nigi's. Im planning on having a huge garden and fruit trees!