I find it very interesting that these were not major fault lines. Also, they are on either side of the New Madrid fault line. I know they aren't connected to Madrid in any way but no matter what, you are moving earth when this happens.
This year we just had to "let go" the projects that just aren't going to get done. Not enough hours in the day and DH's work is very demanding. We decided that things will get done when they get done. The list will remain but it will take longer than we originally thought.
Self sufficiency is different things to different people. You have to do what is right for you. I used to compare myself with some others here that put in a large garden, do a lot of canning and do their own butchering along with other things. The fact is that at this point in my life, I don't...
:lau We can't look back in history and find that weather has had extreme years in the past? We need something "special' to explain it? How many of our tax dollars were used to find that out! :gig
That always cracks me up because you don't have to have a complete meltdown to have problems. All you need is a good snow storm or tornado or something and then stores are closed. We know so many people who don't have enough food for more than a day or two it is ridiculous. Certainly isn't a...
Sorry, yes I meant the one behind the white girl. She looks like she is very pretty.
Savingdogs - EE/Ameraucana are the hardest to sex and the ones most likely to be sexed wrong. Not sure why that is but found that out when one of my Ameraucanas was a male.
Is the hen behind the EE one of your "ugly" hens? I still say she looks nice. What a nice Silver Seabright you got! Everyone is going up nicely. It will be nice to look out into the yard and see all the different types. :D
Do you know where TSC got them from? Last year I got chicks from TSC and they didn't know what they were. I found out the hatchery and it turned out that they were doing Leghorn mixes so my hens ended up being Leghorn mixes. They never said on their website what they were mixing them with but...
Aggie - so you have never had a problem with keeping the hen & chicks in with the rest of the chickens? I too only have one coop and just have no where else to put hen/chicks. I've been toying with getting a rooster and start hatching my own too but have been too busy and too chicken ( :P ) to...
I wonder if your son would not like the silkie once it was in the house. If he would have to do the cleanup and all, he may not like it. I would try just letting him hold and pet the silkie outside when he wants to. If you bring him in the house, only do it while your son is paying attention to...
At least you have something you can do with them. We got some more rain last night but it was a nice rain that soaked into the ground. All the bad stuff was north and south of us and we were on the very edge of the rain. Looks like more storms are heading our way though. It will be interesting...
Good luck with your chicks. Sounds like this whole chicken hatching/raising is hard business.
That cucumber water sounds great. Happen to have a couple cucumbers in the fridge and chocolate mint in a raised flower bed.
We got rain last night and then some more rain throughout the night. At...