I can't believe that Rory doesn't mind rain. There is NO way my goats would stay out in the rain for anything. They are such babies. :lol:
I'm very thankful not to get the 6" of rain that Copley got. Our barns would have flooded for sure and I had to tear down our stall setup in one of...
sorry about your peppers. This has been one bad year for gardens. The rain has been missing us and we are thrilled to get some rain right now. All the bad stuff is missing us and we are getting a nice downpour. I hope it doesn't rain too much for you.
What about ceiling tiles instead of the peel and stick? Do one of the tin ones and that would probably look pretty nice. I would think it would be fairly easy to install.
If you would choose wallpaper, I would make sure it is sanatise (sp?). That sticks on well and is extremely easy to clean.
You can always buy more animals. Putting them up for sale now probably isn't a bad idea. Then you can take your time and if you choose to move, then you don't have to try and sell them at the last minute. Plus they do need care and right now you probably need as little on your plate as possible...
There is certainly no harm in taking a break. This year DH has been working on a project at work that is causing him to work a lot. I also got a part time job and working on shutting down the alpaca business. So we had to scale back majorly and take a year that stuff was just not going to be...
Sorry you are going through this. I don't think I would call his mom though. If things get worse down the road, it could cause you more problems.
Is living at the other place something that would be good for you? Is the trailer a good one to live in?
Last year I got some chicks from TSC that were from Mt Healthy. I finally figured out that they were Leghorn mutts. I didn't mind since no one knew what they were anyway and they are great layers but if you are looking for purebreeds, that really isn't right to pass off something as a purebreed.
How much mint extract do you end up with in a quart jar? Do you strain it out when done? How long do you let it sit? Could you use a pint jar or something instead? I have lots of chocolate mint that I'm really wanting to make mint extract from.
I have found that with one kid, you can easily milk twice a day with kid nursing full time and still get a good amount of milk. Hopefully production will go back up for you.
We chose not to have children because we were older when we got married and didn't want to be retirement age when a child graduated from high school. Later on we did try the adoption route to adopt an older child. We really thought it was God's Will and had done a lot of praying and talking to...
No, no other symptoms.
The regular treatment is antibiotics like Polyflex or Exceed (by injection) and Hibiclens to put on the udder (can't remember the ingredient in Hibiclens that you are really after). But the Hibiclens stopped working for me and I got desperate and just tried the Camelid...