Congratulations on the goat sale (I guess). :)
I'm glad we aren't getting the rain they had predicted earlier. Just a thin line of showers passed through just north of us. We ended up getting a little bit of rain but nothing really. Supposedly Thursday will be the bad day.
From what I saw on the news, northern Ohio should be ok. It is Mansfield and south that need to watch out. Hopefully it won't be bad for anyone. I'm just glad to see some sunshine today.
I live near Wellington, OH and it is a small town and not much happening. But today there were 2 car...
Believe me, in this market alpacas aren't worth it. The amount of time for the cria to grow before it can leave mom is around 6 months. The market in Ohio is also sooooo saturated with alpacas that people can hardly give them away. Not to mention that you have to have them shorn every year and...
Cute goats!
Sounds like it is time to stop driving for the Amish. Isn't worth the time, money and energy. Not to mention if you got into a car accident or something with them in it. Plus while it is nice not to report income, you could always get caught and then there are fines and everything...
It is going to take you a long time. You could always not have anything else going on for a weekend and just mow all day and see how long it takes you. I'm guessing if it is a hot day you would get pretty sweaty. I would think like a 50 degree day you wouldn't work up much of a sweat unless you...
At least you get most of the day to play. I need to really work on farm chores today because my parent's 50th wedding anniversary party is tomorrow so I won't have time. Plus I have to cook some dishes and get food ready for their party. But hey, after being married 50 years, they deserve a...
Goats can be very sensitive with change. Sounds like Bered just wasn't adjusting to being in a new place. Sounds like your new goat isn't having the adjustment problems and will work out well for you.
It takes time for you and her to get used to each other. My boarder picked up her goats and I was getting at least a quart per day from the goat and she stands beautifully for me. Not so for the boarder. She also isn't eating her grain. They really do get upset with change. Even more so than...
Hay needs air around it. It can get moldy quickly if wrapped up in something. That is the nice thing about the straw. Unfortunately, some type of storage barn or hay loft in current barn would be in order.
If you are going to the vet, also get some 500 ml bottles of saline solution. Then you can add 2-3cc of Betadine for flushing out a uterus. You can buy the tubing to add to the bottle at PBS or probably Jeffers or something. If you need a link to what I'm talking about, I will...