A basic dirt path provides adequate boundaries. We should get enough rain water, but are using mulches to help retain moisture. We also have spring water at the back of the house, so we collect and use this when we sow/transplant etc.
A quick search will provide you with lots of information...
That does sound very different indeed. We are in the heart of Japanese satoyama, so the soil has been worked for a long time and to be fair is in very good condition. However, the trend for Japanese farming is very heavy on chemical use. So, whilst we can't be exactly sure we know for a fact...
Thanks for the compliment. We've actually been able to find a lot of available land for free, as most of the farmers are getting too old and are happy for someone to look after the land. We're debating undertaking more, but have enough to keep us busy for the moment. I'll keep you posted on...
Thanks for your thoughts Joel. We actually chose not to rotovate in the end. We have hand weeded the plot thoroughly, from experience nothing else gets rid of the weeds quite like it, and decided to dig over the ground before planting, also incorporating manure, should we need to. We are...
We've been getting loads of these greedy little bugs eating up everything they can. I have no idea what they are or how to get rid of them. The only natural pesticides I know comprise of chilli's, garlic and tobacco. I did recently have wood ash and vinegar suggested to me, but I haven't...
OK. So, here's an update as of yesterday. As you can see we're nearly done weeding and have finally started to get some plants in the ground. It still looks horribly bare, but is getting better everyday.
I haven't grown these yet myself, but hear they are fairly easy to grow, supposed to be similar to growing tomatoes (same family), so it could be your seed if you haven't done anything wrong (under watering, over watering, heat issues etc). I should think a starter mix would be best. Did you...
Glad to know I'm not the only one just getting their corn started. I don't know what your temps are but I guess if it's started germinating it must be above 65f, so that shouldn't be the problem. I've found it a little sporadic myself, and if you had problem with your seed it could be that. I...
Thanks for the quick response. Which do you think would be more suitable, move it or leave it here? I wonder if the gardening forum might be better?
It's quite the opposite here, I can count on one hand the amount of small rocks I've found on the plot. I think the soil is generally fairly...
Hi all,
We recently moved to Japan from england with the plan to become more self sufficient. Last week we moved into our new house and began work on our new veg plot.
The plot is a little over 400 sq meters (just over 4,300 sq ft). When we took it over it over last Saturday it looked a...
Realseeds is a good source. Manny of their seeds are rare heirlooms, and all are open-pollinated (non-hybrid) so you can save your own seed for future years. They are based in the UK, but I think they ship abroad.
If you start with a kit get a good quality one. You don't want to be put off brewing your first time because of a kit that would never be any good in the first place. I personally don't believe the move from a kit to all grain is that bigger leap, and the results are incomparable. if you want...
I would recommend Tulsi, also known as holy basil. In India they use this for pretty much everything and call it krishna's herb. I don't know specific medicinal uses, but a good 'cure all'. It makes a very nice tea. I also love aloe and use it a lot, great for burns and the skin in general...