I hadn't heard of Biochar before, so thanks for the heads up. It seems from a little research that it may actually come into its prime after what could be a long digestion period, so may only be useful for soil amendment and for plants that require high potash and elevated pH.
I got this...
We always gargle with a few drops of tea tree oil in water for saw throats. Works a treat but tastes awful. Also don't swallow the tea tree oil, just gargle. I don't think it would be much good for hay fever though.
Thats a great tip! We have soft water here, but my mum is plagued by hard water. I know she used denture cleaning tablets, but I don't think she's tried this.
P.s. The denture cleaning tablets work great in the toilet bowl, and for getting rid of lime scale in your kettle etc.
Don't delay! Start making your own beer today! It isn't difficult at all, and the results are far better than any commercial beer.
I started brewing myself a little over a year ago and haven't looked back since. I started by malting my own barley but if you can get malt to start with it will...
I can't think of what you could substitute the citrus for, but would agree with the vinegar suggestions. You might be able to grow a herb and use that, lemon verbena, lemon grass or something with high acidic/citrus quality's. Citrus cleaner also makes a very good furniture polish. Simply...
We used small paper pots for starters last year for practically all our seeds. Very easy to make and do the job fine. However, I would recommend pealing them off when you transplant, or making sure you use minimal paper. Some of our paper hadn't composted very well and in some cases...
Hi all,
I'm new here. Myself and partner moved to Japan last month to follow our dream of being self sufficient. At present we're partaking in WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms), until we can find our ideal spot!