I am a firm believer that a woman can have both a career and do right by her kids, but I knew the moment I found out I was pregnant that it wasn't for me. I actually sat down in my supervisor's office to put my two weeks notice in (I did try to go back to work--a couple of weeks into it I knew...
Everything I've read about the pit bull ban is really scary. My 3 dogs are mutts, but at least 2 of them definitely have pit in them (and look the part). I've read over the legislation, and apparantly if a dog even looks like it is even just part pit bull, authorities can confiscate (and will...
I'm a technical editor/proofreader/word geek. I'm admitting this, but please don't go proofreading my posts. I don't use spell check and I don't care where the commas land when I'm posting on internet forums. So sue me. :lol:
I also worked at a show barn (horses--hunters) for several years...
I love this thread...I'm so envious of you guys in Ontario. I would seriously like to relocate there, but sadly the pit bull ban would mean I'd have to leave behind 3 family members. :( I don't want to move that badly.
I'm in southern Maryland.
You can grow something year-round...
We have been religiously hanging out our laundry all summer. I've used the dryer a few times, mostly when the diaper situation (we use cloth, I don't even have any disposable back-ups in the house) has become, er, grave. :lol:
Our corresponding electric bills were: Pre-clothesline, ~$325...
Aw, what sweet pups!! Good dogs!! :D
Here's my 3. I wouldn't say that they are working dogs, but they do have a purpose above and beyond being family pets. They are very vigilant watchdogs, and I really appreciate them for that. It does make me sleep better at night knowing that these guys...
:lol: My chest freezer has a few quarts of Breyer's chillin' in it right now. Yeah, they were $1.99 at the grocery store. I couldn't help it. And really, I think that there's a lot worse you could do in terms of junk food than Breyer's...or maybe that's just my half-hearted justification for...
Well, we don't eat any meat so that takes that out of the equation. ;) Our reasons for being vegetarian are many, but this is one of them--avoiding commercially-raised meat. It was just easier to go without (and, like I said, there are other reasons, too). We do eat eggs and dairy. I have...
1) I am definitely more frugal. I try to make my own things as often as possible, shop sales and coupon, etc. My husband isn't super spendy, but he is much more impulsive than I am. I carefully research each and every purchase, for the most part, whether it be flour at the grocery store or a...
We only watch tv after our little one has gone to bed, and then only an hour or so. We have one tv in the house, and do have satellite tv and a DVR. The only reason we have the satellite tv is because my mother lives in an apartment in the basement level of our house and she refused to live...
I don't know for sure about the Borax, but I would be willing to bet that commercial laundry soaps, which are full of petro-chemicals and all other kinds of unsavory additives, would by far be the greater of two evils as far as that goes. I personally will take my chances with the Borax, unless...
We're pretty healthy--no major and few minor health issues. But it seems the more work I do, the fatter I get. :lol: I think it's really the older I get the fatter I get, but whatever...It's certainly not for lack of activity, that's for sure. The to-do list around here isn't getting any...
...a solar system to power/charge my laptop. That's it. The battery on my laptop doesn't last very long (an hour or two) and so I pretty much leave the machine plugged in all the time. It's the one piece of electronic equipment (aside from our fridge/freezer) that stays "plugged in" all the...
this is the recipe that I use. I couldn't find Fels Naptha locally, so I had to order online--which cost me exactly as much to ship it as it cost to actually buy the soap--so that added to my costs. Even still, when I broke the cost down for one batch it cost me exactly $1.27 for ~2 gallons...
You know, I enjoy my crunchy towels, too! :lol:
The stiffness of line-dryed clothes doesn't bother me too much. Maybe I'm just used to it. Or maybe I'm just too lazy to put my clothes on the line, take them off, then put them in the dryer, too! I have such as system, that would just blow my...
Hey there! :frow I think you'll find that is a great place for helpful information. There's a great crowd of folks here. :cool:
By the way, I think "a little here and there" can really add up to a lot. Just being aware of what you consume and what you can do yourself is a big thing, in...
Oh wow. Good luck, I hope that you are pleasantly surprised and can salvage most of your harvest. We've had a few bad storms lately, but thankfully the worst of it has missed us. There is a little place on my way to work that has a huge, beautiful garden (I have the worst kind of garden envy...