*sigh*. I wish I could keep bees. But I am highly, highly allergic. Even after a shot of epinephrine I only 15-20 minutes to get massive doses of steroids and antihistamines by IV to avoid anaphylactic shock. :rolleyes:
I'm heading off to bed, too. Meeting some friends in the morning for a hike...But I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Nifty, ETA on the sub-forums for the site?? I can't wait!! :lol:
You laugh...but in some parts of the world it is commonplace to collect animal manure and ferment it in large collectors that trap the methane gas produced...the gas is then used for cooking, heating, etc. So chicken power is possible. ;)
I think that all of those great ideas--solar, wind...
Sweet! I hope you didn't mind my butting in there. :D I see that about the Frugal topics! I love it! I think recycling/reusing fits well in there?
I also see you have canning/preserving in the cooking section. That's a good idea!
This IS fun. I think this could be a nifty little site...
Hi all! I'm so glad to see this forum. I can't wait 'till the 13,000 BYC members hop on over here and this place is jumping. There are so many folks with such great ideas for sustainable living, self-sufficiency, etc., I can only imagine what a wonderful resource this site is going to be!