This weeks finds and freebees
Yard Sale:
15 boxes of mason jars and 1 case of lids unopen 30.00
1 extreme cold weather Korean War jacket 8.00
3 sets of rain gear and a poncho 10.00
Old bring stone and peddle stand 25.00
Started bring home my free barn. yup a friend gave be her...
I usually go to them when I am on the road. I find it's the only place I can go to get real food when I'm on the road or famrer markets. The prices are high butttt it's suppose to be better. As I look closer at stuff I am finding that is not so true with things. Don't get me wrong they are...
Just as the title says. I have found one in perfect shape complete as far I can tell but need a maual for it. I have posted on a few sites and surfing ebay for one right now. Thank Don
Good luck and have fun. :)
Our Maine Murphy Laws.
Tapping trees "early" in the season is sure to bring on freezing temperatures in the
daytime once again. (This is, by the way, much more predictable than groundhogs and
shadows.) ( Thank you Heather for this one Love it and so...
It's so cool to see someone really take off on this idea
When I started this myself I went and make a lot of appointments
Eye Doctor
Med Doc
Need to get things in order before I hit 40 in a few more yrs. (cough 4 more yrs)
Yes I'm still young to a lot
Anyway just got back from the...
We have pulled our child out of all testing now. She is a high honors student but because she doesn't take tests the school won't give her gifted and talented or any other enrichment now. They say they have to take the tests to get that. HAHAHHA!!! So we have expaned her learning outside of...
I tried it on both type. No go. I thought the samething when I went through all the troubleshoot list. I'm leaning towards a bad reciever or a reciever made just for a Stag upper. I have a friend who has a Stag. I am going to try it on his upper and see if it is for sure. Thank you all for...