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    The gas question?? Read into the crystalball!! HAHAHA!!

    3.88 :) Thank you Mickey Mouse and Gumby!!! :celebrate Wouldn't be the first . :thumbsup and /or means you will.

    The 30 day challange

    Good for all who have and are taking on the challanges. :thumbsup I find I do better when others are doing the same. Helps keep the fire going I guess. Good luck to all. God Bless

    STAG arm lowers SUCK!!!

    I put an eo-tech on this one. Really the whole reason I built this one was because I had an extra eo-tech laying around. Then I bought the lower, the parts kits and so and so on. They're like legos to me. This prob just ticks me. I hate having 300.00 wrapped up into something I know I won't...

    The 30 day challange

    30 days - no sugar ....... 4days now 30 days - no caffeine....... done and still going up to 36 days now 30 days - walk 10,000 steps a day ......done and still going strong. I'm at 40 plus days it is a just somethin I do natually now. :) LOVE IT!! Lost 10 lbs in a heart beat 30 days -...

    The 30 day challange

    Took this from another web site. ( Thank you Kev for the thread) Loved it so much that I had to share it here. I have done 2 on this list so far. I am working on others: I would like to challange every member of this forum to make a change to their lifestyle for 30 days. This can be anything...

    STAG arm lowers SUCK!!!

    Just a rant for those who build. This might help. I have built a few AR15 platforms in my day. I've tried a lot of different lowers and mixed them with a lot of different uppers too. NO PROB. Bushmaster with Double Star, Model 1 with DPMS and so on. Today I finished a STAG lower and can't...

    Tested my wood chopping skills

    Very nice. :thumbsup Funny now that we have the heat situation taken care of at our homestead now the gas is going to become a big factor if it climbs above 4.25. Money from one will go to the other. ARGHH!!! The bottom line is I have to go up on my mowing prices tihs summer. The out of...

    Wyoming prepping?

    Glenn Beck did a wonderful rebut to this. He will have the legislator who wrote I think on BGTV tonight. tick tock tick tock.

    how much for your farm eggs?

    3.75 is what our farm is sellig them at. raw milk 6.00 a gallon and heavy cream 5.00 an 8 oz jar.
  10. THEFAN

    Firewood ?'s

    I do a base of newspaper and then make a log cabin with ceder shingles broken up. ( I do a few shingling jobs a yr and get enough to burn in the winter) Then I add kindling. I mainly burn birch and oak. During the day to cut down the chill I burn anything. All but plywood. :) I try and...
  11. THEFAN

    Is it financially worth it to buy a meat grinder

    It's a good idea I think to have one even if your not sure if it will come in handy or not. Even if it may or may not save you money. It's an item that someday we all just might need on a daily bases. As to what type there have been a lot of good refs above. Oster is nice and where to get...
  12. THEFAN

    The gas question?? Read into the crystalball!! HAHAHA!!

    Some key things. Putin wins the Presidentcy. China drops the dollar all together because it feels it can stand on it's own, Iran does get the bomb and shows us it has one by testing it. Russia cuts off gas supplies to Europe. Chavez puts Iranian missle bases back with Russian made missles in...
  13. THEFAN

    The gas question?? Read into the crystalball!! HAHAHA!!

    We're at 3.73 and climbing. HMMM!! Only Feb too. :th I'm thinking 4.35 May 30th
  14. THEFAN

    Splitting the firewood.

    I do that a lot. My wife came out one night after I turned out all the lights and layed on the couch. She asked if I was ever going to sleep in our bed anymore? I answered " I likey the fire. It's cool to watch and I'm so warm" :thumbsup
  15. THEFAN

    HELP! My Heating Bill is $500 a Month!

    If we were on oil it would cost us 700.00 a month in Dec, Jan and Feb each and 1 fill up for Oct, NOv, Mrch in April. 4 fill ups for heat and 1 for water a yr. 5 fill ups roughly at 4.00 a gal with a 225 gal tank. OUCH!! We did everything to cut it down before we installed a cookstove...
  16. THEFAN

    Tapping Maple Tree Questions. Advise Needed.

    Here's a link to our Maine education site for syruping I'm not to far off what I said I only have maybe 30-40 suger maples on my property. I seem to know something. :)
  17. THEFAN

    Tapping Maple Tree Questions. Advise Needed.

    Jars would be find in the refrigerator. I like the maple syrup jugs you get when you buy the stuff in the store. Just feels right. :) Good luck.
  18. THEFAN

    Who can come up with the wildest SS story?

    5 yrs ago after moving in to the family house we started our garden by hand. We didn't have a rototiller or nothing at that time. So we used hammers to break the ground up. :) People laughed seeing my family and I out in the yard on our hands and knees using hammers. :) Worked great I...