Search results

  1. Flytyer24

    Wood furnace?

    Deb, Having enough experience with wood then I want.. I would say the outdoor furnaces are not that wonderful.... they heat medicore. The do not burn that good (eat a lot of wood). And if you have neighbors because of the short stakc and ability to burn green creates plenty of low...
  2. Flytyer24


    I will check them out. I started to watch food, inc but I really don't care for those doom and gloom type of films. A lot of documentaries come off as there X amount of things wrong in the world and never really show solutions. thanks
  3. Flytyer24


    I have been really watching a lot of documentaries lately... There are three I would highly suggest to all... Starting with the one I liked the most was: Fresh This was a documentary looking at the way we as americans view food. Starting from a perspective of the conventional farmer moving...
  4. Flytyer24

    who doesnt have full time job?

    I agree with rhoda... I am working in a field that I like but it does become a grind. Self-reliant living sounds wonderful but can you hack it? First see what you can live without. Also see what you can do for yourself first. I do all my own car repairs (thank god for the internet, youtube...
  5. Flytyer24

    Long Distance Moving Tips & Tricks

    Well, Having moved across country twice... I would say no more than 400 miles a day is a bit low... I did 3200 miles in 4 days... but I am a little nutty. I don't know what needs you guys "must" have but camp out a night saves you a hotel and can be fun. Since you will have more than one...
  6. Flytyer24

    Are posters here HAPPIER having few men in SS Forums?

    Alright, Disclaimer... (I am not the most sensitive and caring person).... Take this with a grain of salt... I am one of the men Joel is talking about... I just recently came here. I have been really into making myself self sufficient. I looked for a good forum because sometimes it is...
  7. Flytyer24

    black and brown bugs with antena

    ask these guys... some beetles in NC NC STATE DEPT OF ENTYMOLOGY, good luck Not to be a downer but they could be roaches
  8. Flytyer24

    DianeS - Listeria spreading, culling the rabbits

    Alright well I did a little more investigating... Seeing how these browsers are run by companies that benefit from tracking you. Alright so there are private modes and non-tracking modes... Private modes will be like a no history kind of thing... usefull if you are buying let's say...
  9. Flytyer24

    DianeS - Listeria spreading, culling the rabbits

    When you go online if you use explorer. Just press (ctrl, shift, p) This will put the browser in private mode. I don't know if this works with other browsers but you can try.
  10. Flytyer24

    DianeS - Listeria spreading, culling the rabbits

    Yea, the worry isn't the ads. It is what else they are tracking... one of those articles talks about how google is taking on more of your personal info.... if you have a facebook it references the posts you make and you personal stuff and holds this info. You would be surprised how much info...
  11. Flytyer24

    DianeS - Listeria spreading, culling the rabbits

    Scary huh? Each customer gets assigned a ip address... that's how they track it. So when you search google they track this, each advertisment whether you just scroll over it or click on it tracks that. You can disable cookies which will help some. Companies like google and facebook hoard...
  12. Flytyer24

    DianeS - Listeria spreading, culling the rabbits

    The adds are related to your serch history. Your internet provider tracks where you go and sells this info to advertisers. That is why you will see things that are seemingly coincidental. I have a goodyear commercial on the bottom of mine, I have been shopping for prices online for tires...
  13. Flytyer24


    OOOH MAN.... Take those panfish fillet them up batter and fry them up in olive oil (just so it's healthy.. haha) you can't not like it...
  14. Flytyer24


    What have you been catching??? I have been catching a lot of largemouth bass but I don't eat those... Taste like dirt. I bet you would like striper! Nice white firm meat kinda sweet. Not that fishy.
  15. Flytyer24


    So I went out surf-fishing yesterday. I caugh a few skates... Then finally I caught my Striper. Here the trophy season is in so they have to be bigger than 32" I caught a 38" incher. Not huge but will eat great! You can only keep one. The big one are leaving tho so the fishing was a little...
  16. Flytyer24

    Suze is my girl!

    So I have been reading Suze Orman's Steps to financial Freedom. It is a guide to managing yourself and your money. It really shows you if you become aware you can make huge changes. The idea that all of us has some pre-disposed idea towards money and how this affects our decisions. Has a...
  17. Flytyer24

    How do you recondition a common hydraulic bottle jack?

    Alright Joel, The first link is what you want. There is a link on that page (right above the large 'SEALS') this is a link to more info. The second link is just a manual which has an exploded view of a bottle jack at the end.
  18. Flytyer24

    Sharpening the chainsaw

    Just remember when you try and plunge use that bottom corner NOT THE TOP. I kind of start at an angle, then turn into it as I plunge. I think you can see that also in the vid.
  19. Flytyer24

    Sharpening the chainsaw

    Joel, With plunge cutting you leave a portion of the back of the tree while you set the hinge. In the video you can see the bar come out the other side of the tree. This is what he is refering to when he says the strap. With the old "chasing hinge" you made your notch and then just cut in...
  20. Flytyer24

    Sharpening the chainsaw

    Nifty, I have used those little saws a lot. They are great for carpentry. And they need sharpening too! Know you tools! The Size of your chain and bar will have different files. This is a link to files and a little run down on chainsaw chain...