haha. It is fun when you get it right. It starts building your confidence. That video I posted... look at his other videos he actually has some handy ones.
Good Sawing.
First Off I am no expert... I don't do this for a living just have had some real pros teach me.
I hope you being left handed still hold the trigger with your right hand and the front handle with your left. It is much safer keeps that chain on the opposite side of the saw. And actually still...
A couple of things with any of these small motors...
1. I like marine grade sta-bil... Since the intro of ethanol these engines have taken a hit.
2. Every year dispose of all gas that has set for more than a month. Just dump it in you truck a little mix won't hurt it. On a fullish tank so...
The only difference I do with softwood is adjust my depth gauges. The gauge I use has a slot for softwood and hardwood... Ripping is the hardest work a saw will ever do... You can use any chain if you only do it a bit... but the real ripping chains are machine ground. They are much more...
Owning a chainsaw is one of those things that everyone has but not many people really know much about. Having growing up in a logging community I can tell you many people I know have been injured and killed. BE SAFE. Remember your reactive forces. If you go clockwise from the...
Actually, there are few places that have garage space to use... I don't know if all the hand tools are supplied. A guy was talking about it on my truck forum. I think stuff like jacks and air compressors are provided.
It is a good idea. Tools are sometimes outrageously exspensive. I...
So I went and bought a power steering pump for my car and found out that advance auto has a tool lending program. I rented a pulley puling tool for a couple of bucks instead of buying one for like $25. Saved a lot doing this myself and didn't need to buy this specialty tool to do it.
Ya this is a great idea... Some of my other forums I am part of have like a technical documents page. Where you can post stuff like blueprints... instruction sheets... other documents that are of use.
Handy stuff. That way there won't have to be the same thread over and over.
I remember when I was 10. My father said if I wanted to hunt I had to learn respect for animals. Part of this was to kill and butcher a sheep. This was to teach me proper care of the meat after a animal was taken. I went with him to his friends sheep farm picked one out and loaded it up...
I used to haul about 5 gallons out at a time... I wish I was back in the northeast now. Alright, to help with your question I would make up a little box screen. I like something with a little bigger holes than a regular screen. You can place you little box with screen bottom on top of a box...
My father and I go out Chaga hunting a lot. It is a big black tumor that grows on birch trees. We dry it and then make tea out of it. It is supposed to have an enormous amount of anti-oxidants. There is the wikipedia for it. It is an aqcuired taste but there has been a lot of studies on it...
When dealing with people regularly I will always remember that Good Will is worth a lot. If it's just bussiness then yes be all means don't sell your self short. A little sweat isn't gonna kill anyone and she is obviously is happy with the work. In my experience when you keep money out of the...
So I was digging through the folks library last time I went up for a visit and found some good books...
There was one that was amazing...
Public Works: A Handbook for self reliant living
It was written like 40 years ago but is a wealth of knowledge from building to farming...
You have to...
You can man a pvc didgeridoo... Actually sounds pretty good. IF you burn the outside with a torch and scrape it up even looks like wood.
and HA I found a link
You do have an old reel there... Those letters are now numbers... Those were used back when most people fished with split-cane or bamboo rods. That reel looks like it is for a lighter rod. Balance is the big thing... That reel is gonna counterweight your rod making casting a lot easier. (if...
$ per pound it would not make sense but this is my two cents...
I am insane about hunting and spend 80+ days a year hunting and fishing. I put a lot of it into my personal recreation category. I also believe the pursuit of wild game keeps my soul and mind calm.
The meat is not comparable...