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  1. citylife

    dog food

    There are many yahoo groups regarding raw feeding that are very interesting and helpful. IMO raw is usually cheaper then good quality dry once you learn to shop and buy what you need. It is a process just like learning anything. Each dog is individual and may require different things added to...
  2. citylife


    They work well being planted with cucumbers as they keep certain bugs away.
  3. citylife

    raising rabbits or rats for dogs

    No, you would not need to. I have a pomeranian who gets the dead baby bunnies. They are a nice whole carcass for her. And, the kit does not go to waste. I try to use everything I can.
  4. citylife

    raising rabbits or rats for dogs

    If you look at the price of a good quality dry dog food they run at least $1.19 per lb. My dogs main diet is chicken leg quarters @ .69 lb @ wal-mart. Yes, they get other items......... but that has been the staple for years. I think you can still stay under the $1.20 lb with some wise...
  5. citylife

    raising rabbits or rats for dogs

    My dogs have eaten a raw diet of meat and bones for over 5 years now. I raise rabbits for food and have 5 chickens for bug control and eggs. I do not believe dog can live off of rabbit alone. It is too lean. I think it is a nice addition and in my case my dogs eat the organs. I think rats...
  6. citylife

    Companion Gardening

    I am happy to report you can get the book Carrots loves tomatoes on Kindle. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been book marking it like crazy. Lots of very useful info in there. Will share as I can.
  7. citylife

    Companion Gardening

    Beekissed, that is what I am looking for. What a neat guide. Does it also tell what to add to soils for different plants. Meaning, some plants may require you to add sand or calcium? I look forward to hearing more on this.
  8. citylife

    Companion Gardening

    I have only gardened for a couple years now and have had some good luck. I thought it would be neat to have a thread designated to companion gardening. Which plants go best together and what should not be planted together. I do a lot of raised beds and 5 gallon self watering bucket gardening...
  9. citylife

    Free heat

    You could use 4" chimney pipe instead of pop cans.
  10. citylife

    Kefir Grains

    Other things you can do with kefir grains is let them ferment abit longer then normal and have the milk seperate to curds and whey. Strain the curds through some cheese cloth for about 12 hours and you will have a ricotta type product. Its great on grilled fruit with some honey and cinnamon...
  11. citylife

    Need recipes using Deer steak and Deer Loin

    Marinate loins in italian dressing for a few hours, add some wine if you like. Then wrap it in bacon, season as you like and grill to your liking. Good eats!
  12. citylife

    Reviving my Kefir grains

    Do you use metal strainer or spoons? I understand you can use any milk except skim (not enough fat content to feed them). Maybe having the milk room temp before adding grains may help it out. I do not have a clue as you can see but wanted to throw a few things out there. I use no metal. Good...
  13. citylife

    Kefir Grains

    If you have 2 or 3 tbls of kefir grains all they really need for food is around 8-10 ounces of food every 12-24 hours depending on the temperature of your home. Or you can cut down your grains and use one tbls to 8 oz of 2% milk. If you want to slow it down put it in the fridge in milk...
  14. citylife

    idea for a homemade rabbit wringer

    I have purchased a wringer and used it and your right on the money as far as I am concerned. And I really like your idea of the processing station. I raise Florida White Meat Rabbits so needless to say, I process them often and I really like your practical idea.
  15. citylife

    What are you having for your Christmas meal this year?

    What ever varments the dogs bring back. I won't be supportin NO lazy dog. Seriously people, dont get upset. Its a quote from "Lonesome Dove."
  16. citylife

    What are you fermenting today?

    I just put together Doms Kefirkraut, using whole kefir grains for the process instead of salt. I should have a clue how this process works by Christmas. :) I must say, I am looking forward to checking on the results.
  17. citylife

    Do you use grass-fed beef?

    That IMHO was contamination at the butcher shop. Or in the gutting process they had urine or other seapage. It does not sound to me like it has anything to do with what the animals ate. I think I would take the rancher one of his steaks back and say hey........ lets light the grill. I want...
  18. citylife

    What are you fermenting today?

    Here is a way of making Kefirkraut which does not use salt. I have Kefir Grains if anyone wants to try this, PM me and we can talk about how to get some to you. I have put Kefir whey in with bok choy and a sm. amount of salt and within 5 days it tasted like very green kraut. I ate it within 2...
  19. citylife

    Do you use grass-fed beef?

    One of the ways I tenderize tougher meats is by soaking them in my homemade Kefir Milk for a few days. That does seem to help. I am a bit shocked your meat is tough. I have not had that problem with pastured beef. Hope this helps
  20. citylife

    Mouse repellent

    I believe Snuggle is the one that works the best.