My friends and I used to "race" reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy. We all loved it. Now my series is the Sookie Stackhouse books but I read them in a day and have to wait a year for the next one. It's painful. I like short story collections like those by Stephen King, Lovecraft or Clive...
I have read plenty of books and short stories that are "challenging" as in big words, meandering sentences and old language etc etc. If you want to read something that is "hard" read anything by HP Lovecraft. I love books like that, and the more difficult the better. Most young adult books are...
It is a challenge because of--in my opinion--slow story development, poor wordcrafting and EXTREMELY juvenile style, like a five-year-old wrote it. Also, thank you for putting my degree in quotations as if I made it up. I usually just get dirty looks for having one in my family. This was new and...
Thanks for the support!
I am reading Twilight to stretch myself. I read constantly books that I like from horror to "For Dummies" etc etc. I want to make my challenge an actual challenge. I could decide to read the new-ish Stephen King book but I'd be done in three days and wouldn't feel...
Tomorrow I'm going to start my 30 day challenge. I will give up caffeine--I drink sodas with caffeine but I would like to give it up for this challenge. I will be *trying* to walk 10,000 steps a day and I will read Twilight--the first book--in 30 days. I tried to read it on e and hated it, so...
Ok I'm inspired to do this. I'll give up caffeine for 30 days. I will also get a pedometer and try to get up to 10,000 steps a day--might struggle with that one. I will also read something new, and not just new. I will read Twilight, a book and movie series I despise. I'll struggle through it...
It makes sense, reminds me of something from college metaphysics but I've still got enough muscle between my ears to grasp the philosophical! I managed to build my chicken and turkey coops totally out of repurposed wood and bought only the wire. Plus all of our fertilizer is free from the...
We charge $3 and get a fight from sale barn people but if we're ten feet away in town then nobody even blinks. Wal-Mart and Kroger charge $3.50 and $4 for their free range cage free large brown eggs so we're still cheaper. The Sale Barn is like a junk sale most of the time. People want you to...
Thanks for the welcome! I have been reading on this forum since June and I finally joined. The rabbits are beautiful and I got many compliments on their parents. I have one gorgeous red NZ buck and one red and two white NZ does. I plan to stock the freezer and share the wealth. We also breed...
Yesterday I butchered my first rabbits. My father was helping us with some construction on the barn and I asked if he would demonstrate for me. We had two New Zealands--half red and half white--that were exactly three months old. We used the "stick" method--held their back feet and struck their...
If they don't kindle by day 35 it is time to rebreed! Sometimes nests aren't neat but just a dent in hay covered in fur. If you put a die with the buck, she will throw a fit if she's pregnant.