We have worn Northerner boots by Servus for over twenty years. They cost about $15 at local farm supplier and are quite good.
About five years ago, I splurged on a pair of Hunter boots. I love them. I have narrow feet and I can wear them all day w/o my feet sliding around and getting sore...
:hugs Sorry about the fan. Too bad you don't live closer. My husband picked up two fans for next to nothing, and we only needed one.d They look brand new. Someone decided they wanted to change them when they purchased the house.
We went through Kansas about four years ago. I remember their road signs had sunflowers on them which made them different than the usual boring signs.
I haven't canned in the old glass lid/bale jars for years since the rings are so expensive. I never had trouble with failure to seal, though. I loved them as I like the way they look. I guess that is just one more way I am odd - or is it more pc to say 'unique'? :rolleyes: :lol:
We used cages when we raised rabbits, but our neighbor had domestic/wild cross rabbits that he kept in a fence. He never mentioned having trouble with them digging out, but they were in quite a large area. He used them to train his beagles for field trial. (For those not familiar with this...