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  1. H

    homemade versions...New TV show about cracking secret recipes!!

    I can hear the Cinnabon show calling me! I just remembered. . . I'm trying to kick the sugar habit. :rolleyes:
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    Hello From Pakistan

    :frow Welcome!
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    My buddy has passed.

    I'm sorry to be so late, but I haven't been able to be online for a few days. I am so sorry for your loss. :hugs
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    Newbie from So. Indiana

    I welcomed you earlier, but I will say hi again. It is great to have another member from southern Indiana.
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    Hi cheapsk8 - I am glad you joined us!
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    :frow Welcome, Nichole!
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    What's a Fair Price for Chicken Sitting?

    We have someone take care of our animals while away, and we do the same for them. No pay involved.
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    Anyone make container candles?

    LilRalphieRoosmama was the name of the person on BYC. I don't know if she is still active on the forum or not. Hers were soy, in canning jars, and had great fragrance. She could probably steer you in the right direction.
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    Vinyl--peel and stick

    I love beadboard. That is very nice looking, and I really like that colour. :frow Welcome, Sandy!
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    homemade versions...New TV show about cracking secret recipes!!

    Thanks, old fashioned. My husband loves fried rice.
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    Anyone make container candles?

    A couple of years ago, I bought some from a BYC member. I forget their name, but it was the North Coast Candle Company out of Ohio. They were very nice.
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    Discovery of the Habitat ReStore

    Thanks - I will keep that in mind. At one of the local stores, if it is there a month, it is 25% off; two months is 50% off; and three months is 75% off.
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    Discovery of the Habitat ReStore

    It is posted in our local one that they do not bargain.
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    given 200# rice-ok for chickens main staple

    I think if that were true, there would be a lot of pigeons being fed rice in the areas that are trying to get rid of them.
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    Nourishing Traditions and other Recipes for a Better Health

    I recently heard that microwaving food destroys the nutrients. Is that true?
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    Question about Chicken Feed

    I would snap it up. Be sure it hasn't gotten wet.