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  1. H

    It's Just DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!

    :yuckyuck I had one student that could not understand why ur and 4 were not acceptable in an essay.:rolleyes:
  2. H

    Go to google right now!

    I just have plain ole google today. :( ETA : I see this is from yesterday. . . I missed it.
  3. H

    How do you shop?

    It is nice to know I am not the only picky shopper out there. It amazes me that people just grab something w/o even looking it over. It takes me a long time to choose my food. I pick through all the produce, and in my pre-chook life, I checked the eggs in the carton to check for broken ones...
  4. H

    Newbie from Kentucky

    :frow Welcome from a northern neighbour. We visit Louisville a few times a year. Have you been to their Habitat Restore?
  5. H

    It's Just DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!

    I don't think I have heard 'how come' except from a two year old. Warsh is common here as is oil being pronounced oral, and light bulb being light bub. :gig
  6. H

    It's Just DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!

    A local business recently opened and had a new sign painted. At the bottom, it says BUY SALE TRADE. I wonder if the painter knew it was wrong and didn't want to offend his customer.
  7. H

    It's Just DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!

    Grammar is not my strong point, but there is no way my teachers would have allowed me to speak the way I hear so many these days. I am quite certain I would have had my tongue ripped out. After all, what is the point of having one if you aren't going to use it properly. :lol: I enjoy the...
  8. H

    Stock up alert!

    Our local Kroger/JayC has onions for $.65/lb and the cheapest apples I have seen anywhere is $1.29. :(
  9. H

    sharpening / peening a scythe

    Same here! We picked up two used ones. Thanks Paul W.
  10. H

    A new "lighter" product package

    I paid $.99 for one at CVS. I got a free bar and $.99 in CVS bucks. I then took that .99 and bought a bag of candy corn and received another .99. I will then use that for something I would normally buy. In the meantime, I got two free candy bars and a free bag if candy corn with my .99...
  11. H

    Stock up alert!

    We adopted WZ's name for it a couple of months ago! I heard it called ChinaMart yesterday.
  12. H

    New Here

    :frow Welcome! I am looking forward to hearing what you are up to next.
  13. H

    Fat man sues White Castle hamburgers

    :rolleyes: When will people start taking responsiblity for themselves?
  14. H

    How to make hard cider ??

    ...and of course you have to figure out a way to get rid of your mistake!
  15. H

    our farm

    :frow Glad you joined us!
  16. H

    Wild Game Recipes, please add your own if you want.

    That sounds good. I will have to wait until I am someplace I can get wireless to check out that site. Thanks
  17. H

    A bad financial day in rural Indiana

    Do you know a mechanic that does work on the side? Really sorry to hear about your transmission. I drive a '93 S-10, so am just waiting. . . I can't complain, though. It stopped dead on me a couple of months ago, but it turned out to be a battery cable that had corroded. It was under a...