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  1. ams3651

    What do you plan to grow next year?

    i never manage what I want to do but Im hoping for lots more sweet corn, 3 different varities of watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes, cantelope, 6 varities of pumpkins and gourds and what ever else catches my eye. Hoping to plant enough corn, watermelon and pumpkins to sell roadside. Im also...
  2. ams3651

    Great Cheese Fondue Recipes Wanted

    i had a great one but I dont remember where ther recipe came from. I know it was white cheddar cheese, milk and some cider. Very yummy.
  3. ams3651

    nice smelling fabric softner recipe?

    I will note something I did find this good for. My dog was mysteriously paralyzed a couple weeks ago and after a couple nights at the vets she came home and is still regaining bladder control. Putting a cup of this solution in the wash water really helped freshen up her blankets and I washed...
  4. ams3651

    nice smelling fabric softner recipe?

    well, i made it. Not so easy to do if your familiar with chemistry ;) and I will say it works Ok, just ok. And doesnt really do much if your line drying. But I will use up what I have left.
  5. ams3651

    what gifts are you making this holiday season?

    that is your opinion. obviously not everyones. some of us celebrate that date on the calendar as a very special day and giving gifts signifies something special. By giving something handmade we are giving of ourselves and not of Walmart. Please dont make this thread a debate.
  6. ams3651

    what gifts are you making this holiday season?

    I asked this same question on BYC and got this reply... dryer balls, to replace dryer sheets, what a great idea!
  7. ams3651

    what gifts are you making this holiday season?

    I have next to no money for Christmas this year and it will go for my kids so every one else will get handmade gifts. Mixes in a jar, biscotti or cookies and handmade aprons. What are you making this year for gifts?
  8. ams3651

    High protein lunch ideas

    my son isnt big on sandwiches unless its peanut butter but for sandwiches or even without bread, when i make chicken breast or a roast I will make extra or save some to freeze or put in a baggie in the fridge for lunches. I also make his lunch and put it in the fridge last thing before I go to...
  9. ams3651

    What got your attention to inspire you to go SS?

    I grew up on a farm and we didnt have much, we had a garden, hunted, canned and froze. When i got my 2 acres I wanted to make it work for me and I especially wanted to get my hands back in the dirt. I took a SS book out from the library and thats where the idea of chickens came into it as wall...
  10. ams3651

    High protein lunch ideas

    my son loves hummus and cut up veggies, im sure hes the only 1st grader smelling like garlic :P pickled hard boiled eggs, peanut butter banana sandwiches, hard cheese, crackers and left over ham or chicken and a peanut butter oatmeal cookie or yogurt for dessert. Im sure there are many others...
  11. ams3651

    What is on your "LIST" (Food aversions)

    gummy worms, made ourselves sick on them when we were little because my aunt thought they were gross Salmon, but Im getting over it. My dad caught a salmon every year and my mom knew only 2 ways to cook it.....a 5 foot salmon....there was lots of it. tomatoes, its a texture thing, my sisters...
  12. ams3651

    Fruit Crisp

    your not too. Apple crisp with some vanilla ice cream :drool or better yet, home made apple crisp ice cream.
  13. ams3651

    nice smelling fabric softner recipe?

    thanks, i wondered how expensive they would be and where to get them
  14. ams3651

    nice smelling fabric softner recipe?

    thanks I will try it, i know about the baking soda and vinegar. I used to use it to unclog greasy pipes at my parents house.....till the day I blew the side out of the aluminum pipe :hu :rolleyes:
  15. ams3651

    Help!! My kraut smells like alcohol and has a white scum on top!

    im no expert but my gram always put a plate on top with a jug of water to push it down and keep it covered in juice, and skims the stuff off the top from time to time. Are you closing the bucket or pushing it down. Should it be in a closed bucket?
  16. ams3651

    Crock Pots

    I have a big Hamilton Beach with a removeable pot i got just a couple years ago, it does that burning thing above the water line but otherwise i dont have problems with it. I have a little 2 qt Rival with removeable pot I got at a yard sale, its surely a few years old as it has a brown pot...
  17. ams3651

    nice smelling fabric softner recipe?

    I know there has to be one on here somewhere I just cant find it. I did see about the distilled vinegar but I like a nice smelling softener. Can someone point me in the right direction?
  18. ams3651

    anyone freeze herbs?

    ive done this too, worked great
  19. ams3651

    How many of your SS choices were values/beliefs-based vs. financial?

    I became interested in it just as part of a country, farming, lifestyle and stretching a thin budget. The two just seem to go together. Growing up on a farm, nothing went to waste. We ate primarily what we grew and hunted. We didnt have excess, heck we didnt even have the option of getting...