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  1. ams3651

    Pears, pears, and more pears

    around here no burger is complete without grams pear relish. Unbelievably good, just a hint of sweetness. I dont know her recipe but this sounds right.
  2. ams3651

    10 ways to feed 10 people on less than $20

    I mix balsamic vinegar with enough honey to make it a little thick, rosemary and a little garlic powder. Different than the recipe here but I always get raves about it.
  3. ams3651

    55 gal. drum root cellar?

    yeah i know, I looked at a couple sites, each one more ....uuhhhhh, paraniod than the last
  4. ams3651

    55 gal. drum root cellar?
  5. ams3651

    Omelet ideas!

    maybe its a farmer thing but I grew up on potatoes and eggs. Cube left over baked or boiled potatoes, brown in a little butter and pour in several blended eggs. Sometimes I like it with a little chopped ham. My favorite omelet has turkey breast, cheddar cheese, chives inside and a little...
  6. ams3651

    Pool can I save money/energy on it?

    If you search I know Ive seen solar water heaters you can make that go right in the line, very easy and inexpensive. I run my pump at night when its cheaper and actually most people run their pumps longer than they really have to. If your pump is a good enough size for your pool, just a couple...
  7. ams3651 YOUR favorite recipe here!

    does anyone have a good tried and true refrigerator pickle recipe? We like sweet but I dont think I ever saw one of those. I have a refrigerator dill recipe but I found it in a magazine and never tried it. I dont like icicle pickles. Rather just boil, pour on and refrigerate.
  8. ams3651

    Gall stones?

    I had my gall bladder removed at 16. I had an infection that settled there and killed it. I never had stones. My cousin however did. It can be painful but also seriously dangerous. She had hers removed because the stones were blocking the duct and she was being poisoned by the back up of...
  9. ams3651

    the house is here!

    congrats, looks like its all coming together finally.
  10. ams3651

    Do you ever feel like giving up...but didn't? New strength to go on...

    ive struggled all my life, nothing ever came easy to me. I just get tired of doing it by myself. I currently need shingles repaired on my roof and with all the rain I just try not to think about it. I cant afford to pay someone and I cant do it myself. So enjoy your mental health day.
  11. ams3651

    Did I mention they stole my mailbox?

    my uncle had his knocked off so many times he build a steel box to put the mail box inside and welded it to a nice piece of steel he cemented into the ground. Never lost it again. It could be painted nice and flowers grown up around it.
  12. ams3651

    Plugged ears

    a nice hot tea sipped slowly usually helps me if only temporarily. Helps thin the secretions and helps them move. Ive even placed a very warm wash cloth just behind my ear and side of my neck to help move things along.
  13. ams3651

    A modern day, old fashioned barn raising...can it be done and how?

    what about contacting a local technical school, they may have some recent graduates looking for experience
  14. ams3651

    Cheap Tires?

    dont buy retreads, my dad got them twice for the farm equipment and twice they fell apart. My son got his at the junk yard, nearly new. So did my friends brother. New car, new tires, car totaled, tires $10 each.
  15. ams3651

    When do you replace your car?

    when the cost of the repairs or the nature of the repair just arent feasable in relation to other repairs or the cost of buying another car. I had one engine go, replaced it once, the second time I got rid of it. One car the front wheel bearings all went out. That one caught me bad, drive my...
  16. ams3651

    Egg Custard Pies & Quiche Recipes

    I think thats the same recipe I used from there but I put peach halves in the bottom and put the custard on the top :drool :th
  17. ams3651

    The great broody experiment (new pics p 18)

    wow, somehow I lost track of this thread. She hatched 4 successfully and another 2 who had a hard time getting out of the shell and didnt make it. They are 4 weeks and I opened the broody box a couple days ago. She took them out in the run for the first time yesterday. I think I have 1 roo...
  18. ams3651

    What kitchen item could you not live without?

    my mom got me one of those pans for christmas, I love it because its such an all purpose pan like you mentioned. I also do alot in the microwave so its a toss up.
  19. ams3651

    Summer Vacations??

    last year we went about an hour away, spent the night in a hotel, went swimming, had a nice dinner (TGIFridays, dont have anything like that here) and went to a small animal park the next day. Usually we just do day trips. This year my sister is graduating from law school in Boston so we plan...
  20. ams3651

    broody hen question *update* pg 2

    i made mine her own pen in the corner of the coop and its working great. The other hens were giving her a hard time for sitting in the favorite nest box and laying when she got up. I moved her into a cardboard box nest in her new pen and she was just fine. Had room to get up and eat and drink...