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  1. ams3651

    I'm officially turning off my furnace today!

    I turned my furnace off about 3 weeks ago, well mostly because I ran out of oil. I have a small electric fireplace heater that does a good job of taking off the chill at night.
  2. ams3651

    Well... I bought a tractor

    Although we are an International Harvester family, those old Fords are very good tractors. (doesnt owning a tractor make up just a little bit for the minivan behind it :P )
  3. ams3651

    auction find for $1

    great find! my son thinks its neat how I can go to an auction and come home with all kinds of stuff for $1
  4. ams3651

    The great broody experiment (new pics p 18)

    I had one pipping this morning. Im going to go back out in a few minutes and check on her again. She's got 9 eggs, I hope more than one hatches.
  5. ams3651

    Handy Farm Devices and How To Make Them

    i had found this before but lost the link, thanks. If you go to the menu you will find lots of other usefull information.
  6. ams3651


    so many people are "experts" and know everything about curing diabetes, low carb diets, red dye, Splenda, sugar, why everyone is over weight, what everyone should eat, what no one should eat. And their opinion is the only one that makes sense. As soon as you ask a nutrition question you get...
  7. ams3651

    So - Your House Is Locked - Right?

    the best defense sometimes is a loud dog and an observant neighbor
  8. ams3651

    Anyone else hear about Greensburg, Kansas?

    i used to watch the show on the green channel but we dont get that one anymore. It was intetesting to see how some people do things differently.
  9. ams3651

    What did you do to save $ today?

    I did some of my beginning of the month grocery stocking up. And this month I started telling my kids I have 2 boxes of this and 3 boxes of that and I am not going to buy more this month, when its gone its gone. I want to cut down on my in between trips to the store which you end up picking up...
  10. ams3651

    THIS ...... is why your fat.

    but....Scotch Eggs really are good :hide
  11. ams3651

    frugal recipes - feed 4 for under $10 (PDF)

    Got this in email today from These recipes are scratch for the most part, not starting with a box of something.
  12. ams3651

    The great broody experiment (new pics p 18)

    Ive accidentially joined the ranks. One day last week I wsa too busy all day to go in for the eggs. I knew they had feed, filled up water outside. Went in early evening to collect eggs and one was sitting, I thought ok she's laying Ill come back in the morning. Well she was still sitting...
  13. ams3651

    Mother Earth News new issue

    I pick it up at the store if theres stuff interesting to me. I do like it but that said, I dont agree with everything either.
  14. ams3651

    Swiss Chard Potato Bake

    i dont like swiss chard but sounds like I could substitute Kale. Sounds yummy, another way to sneak some veg in to the kids.
  15. ams3651

    Someone got our Debit Card Number

    Apparently there was big problem at Visa a little while ago. I got a call from my bank that Visa had sent a list of card numbers that were "compromised" and that they had canceled my card and I had to go to the bank and apply for a new one. (3 weeks it took :rolleyes:) They wont tell the bank...
  16. ams3651

    Signs of spring in your area?

    ok so spring is now Im waiting for the local Ice Cream joint to open :drool
  17. ams3651

    Signs of spring in your area?

    let me tell dad hauls chicken manure for his fields by the tractor trailer load, Im talking tons and tons of it. Drops several loads right behind the house. The poison works.
  18. ams3651

    Signs of spring in your area?

    my dad is guilty of this around here. Its such great fertilizer for the fields. If the flys are a problem go to a farm store like Tractor Supply and ask for Fly poison. Its granulated, you put it out on a board or something large, make sure its not where animals or kids can get into it. It...
  19. ams3651

    Signs of spring in your area?

    geese................................geese...........and...hhmmmmm......oh yeah, more geese! We have 3 large ponds near by that migrating canadian and snow geese put on their route every year. One is about 1/8 mile down the road but I have a clear view. I love watching them, my grandfather...
  20. ams3651

    Old Crock & press

    ive seen them a fraction of this size go for over $100 at auctions. $50 is a steal for that size. My gram makes saurkraut in one a little smaller than that, it was her fathers.