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  1. ams3651

    What do I do with THIS???

    just got this recipe from BYC recently, Im making it tomorrow for a funeral at church on friday, Im adding lemon juice and a lemon glaze. Old-Fashioned Pound Cake Pan: 10" tube, well-greased and floured Preheat oven: 325F Baking time: 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 hours 4 c. cake flour, sifted before...
  2. ams3651

    What do I do with THIS???

    I make extra pancakes and freeze them, my son likes to make sandwiches with them. I add the egg, a slice of cheese and ham and put the sandwich in a baggie in the freezer. He takes one out in the am microwaves it for a minute and good to go.
  3. ams3651

    10% less, what would you cut first?

    I have cut things out so I could keep other things. I wouldnt cut preschool of you dont have to, its important. It takes time to stock a pantry and freezer with everyday essentials , that will help with meals. I have a prepaid cell phone with Net10 that costs me $30 every 2 months. I would...
  4. ams3651

    need help with my grocery budget...

    I plan my meals by what is on sale that week at the grocery store. Lasagna if the cheeses are on sale. Roast chicken if they are on sale which you can easily get 2 meals from (soup or chicken and biscuits with gravy the next day). My son hunts, I will this year, so we have venison in the...
  5. ams3651

    recommend me a shampoo?

    a hair dressers opinion, if you looking for salon products I always liked Matrix products. At home I use Suave daily clarifying shampoo and Sunsilk - captivating curls. My hair is probably 50/50 regular and coarse and curly, the sunsilk keeps it smooth and I use the clarifying about once a...
  6. ams3651

    Let's talk about recycling canning jars..........

    when our church has spaghetti sauce sales, they send it home in canning jars and request them back, they inevitably end up with someone sending some extra mayo jars. I use them for storing left overs, soups, I have coconut and milk in one right now for pie. IF I dont drink all the coffee in...
  7. ams3651

    Fermented Saurkraut?

    you need a large crock which can be hard to find and expensive. I dont know if anyone uses anything else, our crock has been in the family for generations. You also need a stomper. you need to shave the cabbage thin and put a layer in the bottom, add salt and caraway seed if you like and...
  8. ams3651

    Gardening a little cheaper....

    Also I find plants are cheeper at a local farm where they have a small nursery instead of the large stores. edited because i forgot I replied earlier....shame on me for skipping ahead :rolleyes:
  9. ams3651

    Trying to pass a kidney stone-update

    put a coffee filter in the strainer
  10. ams3651

    Old Cookbooks: How about free? Does free work for you?

    i have a Fannie Farmer baking book and I love it. All from scratch recipes are hard to find these days.
  11. ams3651

    Great Depression Cooking website

    huh....says its not available :hu
  12. ams3651

    Half gallon beer bottle-uses?

    HOMEMADE KAHLUA RECIPE 4 c. water 3 c. sugar 3/4 c. instant coffee (not freeze dried) 1/5 vodka 1/4 split vanilla beans Simmer above ingredients. Remove; add coffee and stir. Cool, then add vodka. Let age for 4 weeks.
  13. ams3651

    Trying to pass a kidney stone-update

    i had a friend once with this problem, they told him to sit in a warm bath several times a day to relax the body I guess. Im thinking I remember some thing about drinking tea too. Ok, so not supposed to drink tea, its one of the no no's but I did find this Mix 2 oz of olive oil and 2 oz of...
  14. ams3651

    Anyone have this book?

    when i clicked Amazon said it had used from $38....still a little pricy but not totally out there
  15. ams3651

    Half gallon beer bottle-uses?

    i used to have a recipe for Kaluah that had to sit for a few weeks in a jug like that.
  16. ams3651

    Need suggestions for using white 55 gallon drums with lids.

    You can get a special cleaner for them but i still wouldnt use one depending on what was in it. Detergent is one thing, Round up is another.
  17. ams3651

    Need suggestions for using white 55 gallon drums with lids.

    im going to be using some as rain barrels. At anyplace that sells farm chemicals you can get a cleaner for them, just to be sure they are clean. Search the internet for make rain barrels and you will find lots of instructions basically all you need is some screen, spigot and downspout. They...
  18. ams3651

    How do you try eliminate stress from your life?

    gardening really destresses me, even watching the chickens for a few minutes is relaxing (byc'ers know what I mean), my boyfriend and I take 2 nights a week to watch movies and snuggle up and that is my ultimate destresser, as long as the kids dont wake up and interrupt. And when it gets real...
  19. ams3651

    How much land does it take to feed a person for a year?

    after I moved out here this is the book that got me started. I think the diagram inside is for 1 acre but I dont remember. Including cows and chickens, a garden, fruit, herbs, grains,etc.
  20. ams3651

    Bread maching recipes - First One In the machine Right now!

    first batch of plain white sweet bread in the machine right now! I so look forward to trying some of these recipes. THanks so much and wish me luck :fl