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  1. ams3651

    Septic Maintenance

    i have started in the last year to be more aware of what I put down the drains. I buy as many cleaners as possible that are phosphate free or of natural ingredients. I have an additive I put every other month down the toilet with all those nice little buggies in it. Mine is 35 years old and I...
  2. ams3651

    Various Tater Tot Casserole Recipes

    I dont think there is anything wrong with serving this type of meal on a night when mom just doesnt have time or feel like making a whole supper or maybe on a special "family night". As long as other nights are good healthy suppers, besides kids are going to eat junk when they get out on their...
  3. ams3651

    Good Nites

    would a little more training help? My boyfriends daughter had the same problem. I have seen mats that you place on the bed and they make a alarm when they get wet to wake the child and learn to wake to go during the night. The Dr also suggested waking her after an hour of sleep and going to...
  4. ams3651

    old work boots as planters

    just last week my mom and I were cleaning and I was going to throw out my old work boots and remembered reading this post. I cant wait till spring to try them out :D
  5. ams3651

    Do you have name brands you are loyal to?

    I use Cottonelle Ecover is my new favorite dish washing soap (eco friendly) as well as Purex essentials laundry detergent Mission tortilla chips, the best and my grandmas ketchup :)
  6. ams3651

    new here from Pa

    hey, Im over here too. Sorry to see you go in a few months but hope it works out well for you.
  7. ams3651

    It is so cold here today that they cancelled the school buses

    my sons school already has a 2 hours delay for tomorrow with temps expected around 0.
  8. ams3651

    Knifty knitters

    I was looking at one at Walmart the other day and I may get one, what I want right now is an Afghan Loom, my great grandmother used to crochet but Im hopeless.
  9. ams3651

    Lemon Souffl

    ooohhhh...I like lemon desserts
  10. ams3651

    I put in my notice today at work :s

    I have to do this. But last year when we had an incident that stressed me out and I was unable to sleep I took one of my son's Melatonin and was right to sleep in 20 minutes. Its a natural supplement and doesnt knock you out or make you feel groggy in the am. I cant afford to miss sleep so I...
  11. ams3651

    best plants for beginning gardener

    I agree lettuce is easy, and dont shy away from tomatoes. If you want a bountiful crop plant one variety to come on together for canning. Im going to try potatoes this year as they seem pretty easy. Also if you have the room, pumpkins, watermelon, cantelope are easy just take a lot of water...
  12. ams3651

    Home auto many do it?

    living out in the country my dad used to get calls all the time to pull people out of ditches with the tractor and my grandmother the nurse would get calls when neighbors were sick. Not so much anymore, theres so many neighbors we dont know everybody personally anymore.
  13. ams3651

    Home auto many do it?

    I change my own tires, check fluids, change filters but my son changes my oil. I could if I had to I just dont want to. ;) Recently I took my friend to pick up her car and she had a flat tire. She grew up with 3 brothers and amazingly has no clue about cars. She was impressed when I pulled a...
  14. ams3651

    Paula Deen's Peach Cobbler

    thanks, I have canned peaches on the shelf and was thinking today I could really go for something made with them. Im trying to space them out because I dont have many ;)
  15. ams3651

    I put in my notice today at work :s

    I have the 17 year old model :rolleyes: I had to quit 6 years ago when pregnant with my son due to complications, then after complications at and after birth I am still unable to go back. I started a small business at home that I hope to really get going this spring to help out and bring a...
  16. ams3651


    welcome, my mom lives in MOntgomery County, Pottstown
  17. ams3651

    Digital Camerals and Their Batteries

    I have a Sharp digital camera, couple years old. I always get the Energizer e2, the silver kind, they last quite a while. My son has a Fuji Finepix and uses them too.
  18. ams3651

    good article in Mother Earth News

    Locavore: A Word to Live By
  19. ams3651

    Who's starting their garden early?

    My son brought home a bunch of 2 x 4 s and I plan to make a small green house to get a few things started like watermelon and cantaloupe.