I watched 2/3 of last nights debate. Unfortunately the DVR stopped recording early. I thought it was the most lively and informative of them all.
About healthcare, Im not sure which method of reform is best but right now its a mess. Until the Dr. that delivered me retired I went to him. He...
So true! The two major parties keep doing things we don't like because we keep voting for them. The people haven't given them any reason to change since what they do keeps working.
Has anyone read Ron Paul's book? It good and short, only 150 pages. If you don't believe the fact checker...
Well that's the opposite of everything I've heard. From what I've read everyone making under $200k get a cut under Obama. But they are just proposed plans that I feel won't go anywhere.
You can spend days here reading about tax plans...
Luckily in WA there are more choices. There are eight on the ballot for President this year. In some states the big two parties don't let others on the ballot. Bob Barr isn't on the ballot in seven states. It's a shame. People think they are wasting their vote if they don't vote for who they...
I watched. Thought it was better than the last and the VP debate. I don't normally watch since they are a two party Q&A session rather than a debate and I usually vote for other parties. This time I'm going mainstream even though my primary pick didn't make it. I'm unhappy with the other...
Look on craigslist for free buckets. My friend works at a place that puts buckets out on the curb for the taking. They have so many for free they end up throwing them away. There may be a similar situation near you. Check any food manufacturing plant. They don't all list them, just set them out.
Same here. Most over my family moved 180+ miles away though. Plus they have a longer growing season so I may have to mooch off them.
For gifts I buy hint giving books such as Back to Basics: A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills, by Abigail R. Gehring and The Self-sufficient Life and How to...
I've never tired to dry clothes outside. I've been skeptical. My car gets covered with pollen, seed pods and bird poo just sitting in the driveway. I don't want that happening to my clothes.
Sweaters must be line dried. I do it indoors and it takes days. I figure it would take even longer...
I was wondering why the guy on the radio was talking like a pirate. He said it was because we all gave our retirement funds to pirates. No mention of a holiday.
The unemployment rate is the percentage of people who aren't working and looking for work. The people on unemployment is reported as jobless claims.
I agree that things are going to get worse. We have been living in lala land for so long, we have quite a way to fall. The unemployment rate will...
1) Who is more "frugal", you or your spouse?
2) Has the unbalance caused any issues (small or big) in your relationship?
Yes, I'm getting bitter
3) Do you both have the same financial goals, e.g., retire young, live out in the country, be debt free, big vacations, or simple...
It's always a good idea to have extras on hand. You never know when a disaster will strike and planting trees are a great idea.
Unemployment is higher than its been recently but is not near all time highs or even as high as it is in most of the world. These past 10 years unemployment has been...
I make cat food once in awhile. One of my cats has diabetes so she can't eat anything other than meat or she'll need insulin. Meat is cheaper than insulin and homemade food is cheaper than the meat only foods. Plus some of the meat only foods are too fattening. They add fat rather than grain as...
Wow, that a high power bill. The KWHS charge must be high. Is the power created from propane or natural gas? That maybe where the fuel surcharge comes from.
I'd get the power company out to your house to do an audit. You may have a faulty meter or a leak someplace.
Here the first 600 KWHS is...
We have cherries, apple, plum and pear trees. We also have blueberries.
The deer nearly killed all the trees last year when they ate all the leaves. We didn't get any blooms this year. Plus the weather was odd.
We keep cans of soup that don't require water to prepare, tuna and nuts.
It's recommended that everyone keeps three days worth of water, one gallon per person. I have a hard time keeping this much water on hand. It keeps getting drunk.
Also keep a weeks worth of pet food on hand.
You can buy downspout diverters for about $25 if you don't want to mess with reconfiguring your gutters.